
I'm thinking about being a rugby player?

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I'm going into my freshman year this fall, and I am thinking about doing rugby at school.

I play soccer year around, so I think that should help out with my speed and endurance in rugby. But I want to know more about the sport. What is the object of the sport? What makes it unique? and to the rugby players out there, any tips for me would be great.




  1. rugby is a great but complex sport. i played for a few years with a guy that was good at soccer, he turned out to be an amazing rugby player, extremely quick and agile, perfect for the wing or fullback. however he was only soccer fit. rugby is a very fast paced game that requires speed, endurance and strength. If you have these three attributes and some comitment to training, you should make a decent player. btw, in rugby the objective is put the ball over your opponets try line, this is called a try. rugby is unique because of its freeflowing, fast paced game style. unlike NFL which stops at every tackle that is made, in rugby, it is possible to play through the whole match, 80mins, with only having a few stopages.

    if your looking for a sport to play, there is none better than rugby, and as a freshman you will become best mates with the whole team, they will be your brothers for the whole season.

  2. Do your research before playing.  Read up on the sport.  I played in College, it is legal violence.  Endurance yes and definite speed.  The object is to score more TRYs (Touchdowns) than the other team.  If it wasn't for Rugby there wouldn't be modern day Football (US)  Check out Rugby England 1823.  The best way to learn the Sport is to play it.  Watch a match, ask questions, and get into shape (Run, Run, Run)  Good Luck on adventure.  Also you need to learn about the festivities after the match.

  3. dude i was like you just look up the rules watch videos defintly work out and most of all DONT BE  SCARED like normal footie players or soccer as you yanks call it. :)

  4. I agree your soccer backround will be a good base to start (much better than american football IMHO-and I played football, not soccer).  The only way to know if it is for you is to get out there and try it.  Yes, it is physical (and only violent to the d---- bags that don't know how to play and gas after the first 10 minutes anyway) but it is also very mental.  You have to think about the game in order to understand how it flows, and you have to develop the mental toughness to go your hardest when needed (and discipline yourself to stay out of the G-- D--m ruck/play if you don't know what to do to help).  Of all the team sports I have played, it was, by far, the most enjoyable.  

  5. You can search on the internet for rugby for beginners; if you're in the US, search for USA rugby.

    There are hundreds of womens clubs in North America (odds are one next to you); they most likely will have a website along with a "for beginners" section.

    It's a fantastic sport; your soccer fitness will be of good use but you'll also need to be able use your hands, feet, and be able to tackle an opponent as well as be tackled.

    It requires the fitness of soccer, kicking/passing and great hand-eye co-ordination, along with the physicality of american football.

    As a beginner, almost all clubs/teams will warmly welcome you into their fold.

  6. There are 2 ypes of rugby -union and league. wikipedia 'rugby' for the differences. Both games are very physical but League is definitely the toughest of the two. As you are in college I imagine union is the only one on offer, you need to work on your body shape and tackling technique, depending on where you play you may also be required to kick a fair bit.

    just accept the fact you will get hurt and have fun.

  7. With respect to "JG" rugby is a bit more than "legal violence". Sure there is some intimidation and mind games between opposing players but its a great tactical game and it has many dimensions, kicking, running with the ball, scrums, lineouts, restarts and tackling. It also has different player positions depending upon your physic. The really solid guys play Prop/Hooker, Tall guys play lock, all round fast,strong guys play flanker or number 8, the little man plays at half back, the super skilled guy plays at number 10, mid field players have to be pretty hard with a good kicking and passing game and the fast men on the team play wing and fullback. So there is something for everone in the rugby team. Its a great man on man game and expect to get injured occasionally.

  8. rugby is a tough yet beautiful sport. it is about testing your limits and trying to break free of the limits of the human body. it is also a game of intense passion , love and yet is tremendous fun. my advice would be to go for it and stay open minded. dont judge it by what you read or hear. discover it for yourself.

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