
I'm thinking about buying Budgies (Parakeets) . . .?

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Before I buy any, I will be sure to look at care sheets and make sure it's the right pet for me, but I also would like advice from people who own parakeets. I was thinking about getting four. What size cage would I need? What about for just two parakeets? Do males get along with males? Females with females? Males and Females? How is there noise level? What's the minimum amount of time they should be let out of their cage to play? How often would I need to clip their wings? Are there any reasons why I wouldn't want a parakeet? Anything else I should know about owning a parakeet?

Thanks in advance!




  1. parakeets are awsome birds, will answer all your questions, it also has a good care sheet. goodluck!


    is a great website for a bunch of info on budgies and you can get even more if you go

    great budgie site links

    on that website

    P.S. budgies are great birds

    P.S.S. get one first if you want to tame it and you can get more if you don't

    and here are some answers to your questions

    at least 1.5 f. wide*1.3f deep*1.3f tall for each budgie for your cage and males are nicer to you and each other and get 1 guy and 2-3 girls if you want to breed them. if they are tame you can leave them out of the cage for as long as you want but don't let them out unsupervised for more that 30-60 mins. and if you do an untamed budgie out make sure its a small room if they escape then throw a towel or blanket on it and gently scoop it up and put it back into the cage clip their wings at least 1 once a year but i should warn you that they are messy eaters and loud some times and to prevent them from chirping early in the morning cover their cage with a blanket or towel

  3. The budgie should be right for you. For one or a pair, you should get a cage that is at least 24" long, 18" deep & 18" high. If you can devote at least a couple of hours daily, go for a single budgie. A single budgie bonds better, trains better  & soon considers you part of his flock. But if you do not have that sort of time, get two, they will keep each other company. One male, one female or two males. Noise level is minimum. Ideally, you should allow your budgie at least an hour a day out of the cage. I personnally don't like to clip the wings. But that is a call you have to take, taking into consideration the safety factor. You don't want him to fly out of your house!! Good luck to you & your budgie.

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