
I'm thinking about changing my

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I need some advice. I have always dressed plainly,nothing special. Jeans,t-shirt,the occaisonal hoodie.Now,since school is staring,I am thinking about giving my style more flair. More bright colours and accessories (anime acessories of course ^^),cool designs.

But I am a bit worried,that if all of a sudden I start to change my style all of a sudden,people will call me a poser. Should I start off slowly...?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!




  1. I think you should wear what you want. Who cares what people think.

  2. Hm maybe you should try dressing lolita. Not anything crazy or drastic like most lolitas.... just sort of work your way into it. skinney jeans are always a good change, that is, if you like them. Try wearing T-shirts with bright colors and ur fav anime charecters. or bright colored bracelets and headbands.

    Good Luck~<3

  3. wana know wats all in fashion now a days n wana be trendy n different

    one of the best website that has got so much for all your fashion needs n

    queries n to know wats all is in fashion now a days.

  4. well i would wear a new outfit once a weekf then go to twice a week and then soon go to where they woulnt notice that you changed. except that you may wear diffrent close

  5. Well...i love the idea about the "anime accessories" lolerz would be nice if you sarte slow but not too slow like an earing then a bracelet and FOR GODSAKE!!! hurry up and change! y'know what i mean so yeah...good luck

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