
I'm thinking about getting a fish. ?

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I only have a 5 galon. tank and I want a fish thats only about $6.00.HELPO!




  1. why do you want a fish? they are boring. but answering your question, you  can get fish at petco ( those little feeder fish) 5 for $1.  

  2. a betta.....

    a 5 gallon would be perfect for it.

    He would love it.

    they are like 4-6 bucks females are cheaper (there is no reason why they should be though)

    just get some gravel and a plant live or fake your choice.

    the great this about bettas is that ther are impossibe to kill ( not really but I mean they are VERY hard fish. The one mail rule is to keep them by themselves because they will fight others til death  8^(

  3. i would get a betta if your a begginer because betta are hardy(dont die that eaisly)

  4. you could get a beta.  they are really easy to take care of.

    also a word of advice....feed them twice a day.  once in the morning and once at night.

  5. Danios are too active for a 5 gallon - they'll slam right into the glass.

    Does the tank have a filter and heater? If it does, then get a Betta. They can survive in a 5 gallon as long as it has a filter and heater.

    Another option if you have a filter and heater is a Dwarf Puffer. They are extremely cute, but they are hard to feed and NEED a stable temperature and a filter.

    But if you don't have a filter or heater, then there's not much you can put in it besides a couple of snails.

    E-mail me for any questions!

  6. bettas are your only choice realy

    schooling fish such as zebra danios need very long aquariums to be happy and need 2 gallons each and a minimum school of 6

  7. A BETTA! The tank is to small for a goldfish, they need 10 gallons each! Bettas(If the water is warm enough and the water is clean) are very colorfull and active! In a 5 gallon tank you can have 2-3 african dwarf frogs with the betta! They eat frozen bloodworms. Just thaw a cube out and plop it in the tank with them! The betta will eat some of the food, but not all.

  8. OH, MY GOSH GO TO WWW.GLOFISH.COM IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. Get 6 Zebra danios. ;p

    They are cool to watch But dont get really small ones. They get stuck in the filter and die the next morning. :/

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