
I'm thinking about getting my belly pierced?

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i'm thinking about getting my belly pierced and i'm 16 years old but i'm pregnant and im worryed about hurting the baby what should i do?




  1. Probably not a good idea for many reasons...infection is possible and anyways when your belly grows the piercing will stretch.  I had mine pierced when I was 18 and when I had my baby at 31, the hole turned into a stretched out awful sight.  I'd wait!

  2. Not get it pierced.

    Women are encouraged not to have piercings done on the bellybutton, nipples or genitalia during pregnancy or while trying to conceive because of the physical changes happening in your body at this time. As your b*****s and stomach grow, the holes do not completely heal and often become larger and more susceptible to infection. Women should avoid piercing the belly and nipples during pregnancy.

  3. DEF WAIT! i have mine pierced and had to take it out (im almost 39 weeks now) if u get it done now, u HAVE to keep it in for a certain amount of time so it can heal...and if ur belly gets big it could really get messy...not to mention the hole usually stretches out a it takes  a while to go back to what its supposed to be.

    just wait till the baby is here and then get it done, it will look and feel a lot better that way :)

    congrats on the baby!  

  4. The best way is to wait till you have the baby and to make sure your ready to indure the pain of a piercing,don't take risks especially when your pregnant be safe!

  5. I'm 23 years old and had my belly button pierced for 6 years. I would wait until after you had the baby to get yours pierced. Although I disagree with what many of the others said. I got pregnant and never took out my piercing. Not during any of my visits with my midwife or even in the delivery room. I did end up with one stretch mark though. And it was right above the piercing hole. But if I were you I'd wait. Only because you don't know if your gonna have to take out your piercing because it's stretching too much. You don't really have to worry about infection unless you're not taking care of it.

    P.S. Piercing your belly button will not harm the baby.

  6. I would wait til you have your baby, and then if you have put on weight loose it and then get it done.

    I don't like belly piercings because they have become so common now.

  7. Leave it until the baby is born, most  respectable piercers wouldn't allow you to have it done anyway

  8. Wait until youv had the baby!!!

    I'm 16 and had mine done about 6 months ago and although most of the time u can't feel it, for the first few months especially if ur tummys getting bigger it will get irritated and stretch. Because it will be a fresh piercing the hole will get bigger which will make it hurt and it will heal as a large hole.

    So definately wait until youv had ur bub to get it done although for the 1st few days it hurts to bend down. But I'd definately wait.

    good luck with the bub!!

  9. Wait until after you have the baby.  Most hospitals and doctors make you take your ring out when delivering, so it would be pointless to get it done now.  Also, it is painful when healing (it hurt worse than any of my 4 piercings) and you really don't need to add to the discomfort that you will be experiencing during your pregnancy.    

  10. i had my belly button pierced when i was a teenager. i took it out a few years ago. that was the FIRST place I got a stretch mark... right up from where i was pierced...

    i do not recomend getting a naval piercing to anyone who may have kids. if you want it so bad, get it after your done having babies!

  11. Don't. Wait till the babies born. I got pregnant at 15, had my child at 16, and had to remove my bellybar.  

  12. Hi hun, I would wait untill the baby is born because you may have to take it out later in pregnancy! Also you are more likeley to get an infection, which can harm you and/or the baby.

    I would wait untill a few weeks after the baby born.

    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.

  13. I would recommend waiting until after your baby is born. I had my navel pierced for 5 years. I took the piercing out as soon as I knew I was pregnant. #1-the piercing area got really dark looking when my stomach started stretching, and #2- I have stretch marks around the piercing hole. It looks bad and I hope it will go away. You won't hurt the baby, but at 16, I wouldn't think you would want any more of a reason to make your stomach not go back to how it is than just the pregnancy in itself.

  14. Don't be stupid.  You'll have to take it out later in your pregnancy.  Priorities now.  

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