
I'm thinking about getting on adderall to lose wait how will it effect me ?

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i'm not add but my doctor thinks i am and wants me on it i agree cause i want to lose lb after my sleeping aid cause me to pack on will it have me acting all weird




  1. my hubby is add. he's naturally a funny guy when he's on concerta (kind of like adderall) and eats a ton. when he's on it, he practically forgets to eat. it keeps you awake, so you would want to take it early in the am and DON'T OD!! It can really s***w with your heart. Unlike what Kevin says, it's not "fun" it's extremely addicting and can be dangerous if taken improperly!!

  2. d**n that stuff is so addictive... i've been on it for over 2 years and i love it. it makes me feel so good but then i sorta crash after being on it for several hours. it makes me feel very powerful and extremely smart... but it's really bad for your heart. it can cause blood clots and heart attacks so be careful.

  3. thats so know adderall is speed (amphetamine) right? if you dont have add, its not going to calm you down, its going to make you bounce off the walls and have WAY too much energy. it can make you have heart palpatations and it can be VERY bad for you. you wanna loose weight? diet and exercise!!

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