
I'm thinking about going out for Mexican food, soon. What food would you recommend?

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Usually, when I go out for Mexican food, I order crispy beef tacos, with rice and beans. I might do that....but I was also considering ordering beef enchiladas.....or maybe ordering something different.

Now, some Mex. foods I am not familiar with...such as chili relleno, flautas, chimichangas, tortilla soup, etc. I could use some help translating these. Also, what are some dishes with guacamole in them?

Anyway, if I do order something different, what would you recommend? I'd really appreciate it.





  1. I absolutely love - chicken chimichangas!! It's usually a deep fried chicken burrito (the chicken is marinated in spices) served crispy with green chili, cheese, lettuce and tomato on top. The dinner will probably come with refried beans and spanish rice. It's super good!! For dessert we always have soppapillas with honey and chocolate syrup and a side of vanilla ice cream!! So good - gees maybe that's what I will have for dinner.

    I forgot to add you can get a side of guacamole and sourcream as well as salsa for you chimichanga!

  2. I love quesidillas, chicken is my fav.  And you can dip them in guac, or sour cream or both!!  Tortilla soup is good, if they know how to make it.  Fajitas are good too.

  3. Study up before you go, it will make the anticipation that much sweeter.

  4. Chile verde is nice (chunks of pork simmered in green chile salsa). Usually served with rice and beans, and tortillas so you can make your own burritos if you want.

    Chile rellenos (long green chiles stuffed with cheese, battered and fried) really depend on who made them. If they're housemade they're usually good, but the prefab ones are nasty. Housemade ones usually have the chile stems on them, to show you they've been made with fresh chiles.

    Be adventurous and order something different. Your server should be able to describe everything to you.

    Guacamole is usually a topping or a side. You can usually order some to have with whatever meal you choose.

    And there's so much more to authentic Mexican food than burritos, tacos and enchiladas...

    Enjoy :-)

  5. chile rellenos are good they are green peppers that are sometimes hot and sometimes not  roasted on fire then the skin is pulled off and they are dipped in egg stuffed with cheese and some kind of meat depending on what kind of your going. they put a ranchero sauce on top of them i like it on the side. with rice and beans. gorditas are always good with what ever you get inside i like them with chile rojo which is the meat with red sauce. barbacoa which is cow head, with mexican cheese and slices of chile.with just beans and maybe some mexican cheese is good. just know that there are different kinds of mexican restaurants some make there foods more to the liking of americans and some really make traditional mexican food. i like to go to taquerias they mainly sell tacos the service is different cause you go to the counter and order but its also cheaper. menudo is good to its tripe hominey and alot of spices basically. i like to eat mine with alot of lime in it not lemon and they always give big pieces of oregano so you put it in your hand and rub it so it breaks apart letting it land in your bowl. with menudo i mainly like the bread they give you its good dipped in the soup part. i like flautas but not from restaurants i mainly like them with potatos in them.

  6. May I recommend the flautas.  I like mine like this:  Made out of chicken, topped off with lettuce, sour cream, salsa and crumbled cacique cheese.  AND i like to dip each bite into guacamole and then bite them.  :)  Yummmmmmm

    Chile Relleno is also great!  The best are home made.  My mom and aunt make them great.  I've tried them while eating out, but I have not found any place that makes them as great.

  7. I personally have a Qdoba addiction on the weekends. I have found a new website though that I can talk about it and other things that I love and they don't think I'm nuts.

    In fact is looking for the very places that we love to frequent. But I think they are more about putting the mom and pop establishments on the map rather than big chains like Applebees because we all know that if you have been to one you have been to them all. It is a new place so they are trying to build up their list of places to go. I have been doing my best to work on the Wisconsin pages since that is where I live.

  8. Flautas are very good. They are stuffed with either chicken or beef (depending where you go) and then deep fried. They are served with a dipping sauce. Mostly served as an appetizer in restaurants I have been

    Chimichangas are burritos that are fried so they are crispy. You can have it with either beef or chicken.

    Tortilla soup is chicken soup that is a little spicy and they have broken tortilla shells in it for crunch.

    Most all dishes are served with a side of guacamole. You can get some burritos that do have it inside, but it really depends on the restaurant.

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