
I'm thinking about going to Ireland for a while as student. Question...?

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Coming from a sunny, warm place as the South (Georgia) and considering spending a considerable amount of time in Ireland (1-2 years), how different is the weather there? Ireland looks beautiful but is it a much rainier and darker environment? and if so, how hard is it for a person to adjust to these differences?




  1. We just went this past July and it was rainy and cool, sometimes cold.  Dress in layers and pack mostly all weather type clothes with waterproof shoes, boots or wellies. The "troubles" or religious wars that were earlier eluded to are being resolved and there is a wonderful peace and prosperity now in Ireland.  They have a great deal of employment in electronics and high tech.  Even cities like Londonderry and Belfast are safe to visit.  Have a great time.

  2. It depends which coast you live on. The west coast is much wetter than Dublin.

    The weather in Dublin is actually ok. Not hot, but not as damp and miserable as the west. But Dublin has other problems - cost and transport.

    Ireland is as green as the photos, but its green because it rains a lot. Expect about 50%-80% of days to be cloudy and wet, and the others to be windy and cold.

  3. I'm from ireland and would luv t be in a sunny place right now. Its freezing and raining here right now.

    We dont get good summers here, infact, last summer was the wettest in years. Travel agents made a fortune on last minute deals.

    It is a beautiful contury and im proud to be Irish, but it depends on the type of person u are regards adjusting, if ur any way like d irish u will adjust to the dark, wet evenings sitting at the bar having great fun in our great irish bars.

  4. stay in the east of the country if you are worried about the weather, the west gets much more rain. A bit of rain never hurt anyone sure!

  5. It's quite rainy and the wind is very cold in winter especially.  Summers can be nice - we had a few good ones in the past few years, not counting 2007.  These days it's dark from 8am to about 5pm, but at the height of summer it can stay bright until 10/10.30 pm.

  6. lol do u have any idea about the religious wars that have been waging in ireland for years?

    i suggest you watch the movie "the crying game"

    it was a really sick movie, but the main charecter gets kidnapped by the rebels and held for ransom n ****...

    yeah, they mean buisness :))

  7. After just a few days, you'll adapt.

  8. Ya, your choice

  9. Believe me in the begining everything looks hard and far but you have just one life and maybe one chanse to visit Ireland and even if not , you should go anyway. My brother wants to go there but he doesnt have enough money ,so consider that you are lucky go and dont even think about. You won't regret I left my own country for two years ago and I think that its amazing (the weather its not the most important thing )good luck , now its up to you ...:)

  10. It is rainy sometimes and very cold in winter, but its beauty overencompasses every bad weather element about it, to go there would be a good choice

  11. well after few days or may be a week you`ll get used to the weather ...

  12. it's pretty cold in ireland.

    it's hard to tell.

    you'll adjust to it eventually, but just take a lot of warm clothes with you.

    it'll probably take you a fair amount of time to get used to the weather.

  13. its much colder than georgia its windy a lot and kinda cold but its beautiful

  14. Have you ever been to Seattle? Or the north? There are nice, spectacular sunny days in Ireland, but geographically, it depends on where you go. It is rainy and dark, sometimes, but there's some comfortable beauty to it. You'll be fine!

  15. well in the winter it will be awful for you. It will rain a lot and be a lot colder, plus windier.

    In the summer, it will be better as it should be sunny most days with some rain.

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