
I'm thinking about hermit crabs???

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i've been in search of a small animal and have posted questions about numerous small animals and etc.

I have already 2 birds and 3 dogs. (and i do give them a lot of love and affection every day already, so i don't neglect them, trust me)

and someone has suggested hermit crabs in one of the posts.

Can someone tell me a little bit more about them?

They do sound interesting in their own way.

a few questions that i have are:

What do they eat?

How often must they be cleaned?

Can you hold them? (weird, but i wanna know)

And any other requirements about them would be nice please : )





  1. Hermit crabs are the most boring pet you could ask for. They are a waste of money. They don't give you love and affection like birds and dogs. Seriously don't get one!! Try something else. umm....hamsters, mice, turtles, spiders. They are at least interesting to watch move around. Hermit crabs were the worst pet of mine. Guinea pigs are the best small pet I have had but they require lots of work compared to hermit crabs which are like rocks.  

  2. dont get one those things are REALLY boring .. and they have to be cleaned a lot .. and they smell .. :\

  3. I've had three and I have loved them ALL.They are really cute :]

    They eat hermit crab food.They have it at like any pet store.Uhmm, when I had one I cleaned the sand like once a week maybe two, but you can put the crab itself into a little bowl of water (if it is a land her mit crab) of like not even an inch deep water and it lovess it!!So I guess that counts as a cleaning.Yeah you can totally hold them, they pinch ((only rarely so dont worry)) but it only hurts for like a second.They are actually really fun to hold!!They live in a cage and you need to make sure that they have a shell that is a size BIGGER than the one they are in so that when they grow out of that shell they have a new "home" to go into.

    If you need anymore help I bet you could go to a pet store and they can tell you anything else you wanna know.

    But you should definatly get one!

  4. i would not get one. i looked into getting hermit crabs too. then my friend got one and all it did was sat in its cage. claws at you. smells. and you can hold them, but they are not very nice..

  5. I suggest going with a guinie pig or rabbit if you want a small pet to cuddle/hold.

  6. hermit crabs are boring who wants to watch them move

  7. I had one and i personally would not get one again... if your searching for an easy small pet they are great but if you are looking to have one to pick up and play with they arent very friendly.................... also they end up dying quickly.......

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