
I'm thinking about joining a military branch. My job sucks, and no one will miss me.

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I know this because it was my family's idea. My boyfriend says it's up to me if I want to go, and that he doesn't want me to, but at the same time, doesn't care either way.

Would you go?




  1. No, you are a good person for perservering at a job that helps people rather than one that hurts people. If you are not into taking $$$ from taxpayers and killing people to further the goals of the d**k n Bush team which have nothing to do with national security, then maybe the military could be a step down for you. Also, the military involves a number of years during which you will have little control over where you live, if you live, what you will be doing, and who you report to.

    As for the c**p about there is noting wrong with the military, I have lost too many friends there to even be able to respond with anything but awe at the stupidity of anyone so brash as to say something so incredulous.

    If you want to run away from people who think you are worthless and make new friends somewhere else, consider the Peace Corps, or just a school that is located somewhere else.

    People do this kind of thing all the time. I have done it myself. I am a biologist and make $80,000 per year. That is better than what I tell my family. They think I am a security guard. That is all they ever thought I was worth. Telling them different only makes them want to call my employer and tell him that I am too incompetent to be doing any other kind of work. (This has happened more than once.) Reality: I have been holding responsible managerial types of positions for decades, and am a licensed engineer, and a published scientist. Just don't tell my family who live in another state and think I am a security guard.

    Believe me, I understand how hard it is to make something of yourself despite everybody's low expectations of you. Running away was the best thing I ever did for myself.

  2. do something you want to do not what your family thinks. Dump your so called boyfriend since e is acting like an idiot

  3. The military may help with your self esteem issues, and make you a better person in the long run.

  4. go hun make a good life for your self show them your strong obviously your boyfriend doesn't seem to interested and you will meet so many new people your be happy you did go don't spend your life thinking what if just go enjoy

  5. You need to ask yourself, will this career move benefit me and my future family. If you answer yes, then do it. People will miss you. Those from your present and your future. So do what you need to do to better yourself for your future. You never know who is waiting for you on your next journey.  

  6. hmm sometimes i feel the same and honestly if i had that whole situation i would go it will give you a chance to see your life in a different view my brother is in the navy im not in to the whole military thing but seeing how he has it i believe the navy would be more fun and you are guaranteed food and a bed you will have to be alright about being on a ship for a while sometimes he can be gone for 6-8 months but he has gotten to go to some of the coolest laces only seen in movies and they pay for it all and when you are on land they either give you housing or they pay you extra money so that you can pay your rent wherever you decide to live definitely worth it if you are serious about, and if you are only doing it because you are not as connected to your family as you had hoped good luck wherever you end up.

  7. There is nothing wrong with the military. The military will build your character. It doesn't seem like you have much going for you. You must realize though that the military is not for losers. It is for people who have and want to build on their characte and self worth.

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