I'm pretty sure I'm going to join the military, but need some advice/clarification on a few issues. I scored highly on the ASVAB, where my GT was a 116. My recruiter told me that I can pretty much pick out any job I'd like, something a friend and former member of the Army told me as being true.
Given this, my question is that when I do choose my job, and they tell me that that particular job isn't available, are they being deceitful? I know that the Army needs people on the front, and are telling recruiters to direct recruits that way. If they were to tell me that this program is full, that program is full, are they full of bull or telling the truth? I'm college educated but have only 15 classes left to receive two Bachelors. So I'd like to choose something in the medical field as that is the direction that I intend to take once I receive those degrees.
Any advice?