
I'm thinking about joining the Army?

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I'm pretty sure I'm going to join the military, but need some advice/clarification on a few issues. I scored highly on the ASVAB, where my GT was a 116. My recruiter told me that I can pretty much pick out any job I'd like, something a friend and former member of the Army told me as being true.

Given this, my question is that when I do choose my job, and they tell me that that particular job isn't available, are they being deceitful? I know that the Army needs people on the front, and are telling recruiters to direct recruits that way. If they were to tell me that this program is full, that program is full, are they full of bull or telling the truth? I'm college educated but have only 15 classes left to receive two Bachelors. So I'd like to choose something in the medical field as that is the direction that I intend to take once I receive those degrees.

Any advice?




  1. Since I'm retired AF I'd say consider the Air Force first off.

    All the services have manning levels. That means they need so many people of this rank here and so many people of that rank there. Manning drives assignments, training, and available jobs when you enter the service. So he's telling you the truth if that job isn't available.

    Which ever you choose make sure anything they promise you, job, advanced rank because of college, pay college loans, enlistment bonus, is on your contract you sign.

    Good Luck

  2. Medical field usually fills up very quickly and the points for promotion are outrageous.  You've got a really good GT Score.  You can pretty much pick anything that you want.

    First off...if you join the Army, go enlisted for about 3 years...see how you like it.  If it fits you, then since you will have 2 degrees, apply for Officer Candidate School (OCS...ask your friend about that because you probably qualify for it now).  You won't be guaranteed the medical field once you get your commission though.  My friend majored in microbiology, wanted medical service corps and ended up as a military police officer.

    Second...if you complete at least 1 of your 2 degrees, you can come in as a E-4/Specialist.  There are plenty of excellent jobs in the Army that doesn't involve combat arms...signal corps, military intel, engineer corps...lots to choose from with the GT you have...

    Third...see if they still have the Army Civilian Acquired Skills Program.  Certain MOSs will allow you a lateral appointment to SPC or SGT depending upon your skill level.

    About recruiters...some of them are deceitful, but not all.  If the career counselor at MEPS say that the MOS is not open, then it's not open.  Ask for a printout of all the jobs that are available to you according to your GT score.  MEPS wanted me to be an admin specialist (h**l no) but thanks to my stepdad being in the Army himself, he told me to ask for the printout.  I ended up choosing a more technical job in the Signal Corps.

  3. I scored a GT 112 and I have the pick of 199 out of 200 jobs in the Army (Satellite Repair ) With a college education you can make rank fairly quick and more less get the job you want also the Army in some cases will pay most of not all of your student loans off. The USAF may be a good option as well

  4. your score IS very good, the recruiter will pull a list of "available" jobs, these are just critical needs jobs that the Army needs filled like truck driver or EOD or combat engineer, you run the show, the Army is notoriouse for trying to weasel you were they need you but are also notoriouse for bending over backwards to sign you act willing to pull your cards off the table and they will not call your bluff, look into 68w aka combat medic, wait to get you BS then join as an officer making more than double what you would as an enlisted man.DO NOT take what your recruiter says as law, they are simply middle men between you and meps, meps is where you gotta fight your battle, recruiters are only used car salesmen trying to sign you into a critical needs mos, you sound pretty smart and hopefully you gotta little street smart to know when your being BS'd . no job is unavailable, that is meps talk for we need you here instead, like I said act willing to walk and they wont call your bluff good luck.

  5. If you want a particular job, don't let them talk you into any different ones.  Your ASVAB score is good for a year, so tell them that you will wait until the job opens up.  Yes, sometimes they are full of it and are trying to fill slots in certain jobs(they do have quotas to fill, after all).  Your best bet is to get it in writing that you will have a certain job and only that job, and don't give in to them trying to get you to choose something different.  Walk away and find a different recruiter if you have to.

  6. Why not finish college first and come in has a officer?

    Anyhow medical fills up fast.  They are not lying when they say that.  However if you get up and prepare to walk away it is amazing how a slot will open up.

  7. First of all, yes you can do just about anything you want with a GT of 116 (you only need a 110 to become an officer).  I'm no expert but if they are telling you the job you want is full then they're selling you a load of bullcrap (unless you can't get a security clearance).  It might be full at the time, but that just means you might have to wait a little while longer before leaving.  Tell the counselor at MEPS you want a particular job or you won't join at all; I guarantee they'll find a way to make it happen.

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