
I'm thinking about moving away from USA into Ireland or Finland. Where should I go?

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Considering the shape that America's in. I thought that I'd move out of America and into Ireland or Finland. I know both the langauges. I'm part Finnish and Irish-American.




  1. Dont go to those countries, but go to Iceland.  It is a very good country and if you are in to being "Green," 80% of Iceland's energy is renewable.

    Look into it.  But if Finland and Ireland is really where you want to go than ignore this answer. And between those I would pick Ireland

  2. There's nothing special being Irish so I'd choose being Finnish.

  3. I like Ireland because it is so beautiful! I have Irish on my fathers side. I hope your move is successful. I would like to move as well. Still you could stay and fight! If enough of us try we will win our country back, I mean it is in our blood. What would our great great grandfathers think? Even immigrants from ireland, finland, china, russia, italy, spain, mexico  came here for a reason right?

  4. You should try New Zeland, it sounds like a happy place.

  5. I wouldn't go to Finland. I personally didn't like the culture or the people...just realized you wrote you were part Finnish..ouch... sorry... ;-)


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