
I'm thinking about seeing a clairvoyant, are there any good ones out there?

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Is it worth seeing one at all?




  1. Have a look for your local Spiritualist church, a lot cheaper than paying for a private reading and you can get a feel to see if its right for you.

  2. Of course there are that's why we now know where Maddie is !

    Think about it FFS.

  3. If they don't know you're looking for them, they can't be much good!

  4. I had a vision once, there aren't any.  I did have a neighbor at one time named Clara Voyant, but she couldn't see the future. Couldn't even see well enough to drive.

  5. And what exactly do you expect this "clairvoyant" to do for you ? Foretell your future ? Get a grip Josephine ! No human has the ability to do that , and never will .

    As for there being any "good" ones out there .............. they`re all good .............. at picking your pockets !

  6. Cross my palm with silver and I will tell you.

  7. I think you should give it a try and see if you find one. Just make sure you are not in a state of desparation when you go looking. Keep an open mind, but hold no extreme expectations.

    You may want to read up on what you might expect from a reading. You can punch in "clairvoyant reading" online and read the websites that come up...what are they charging and what are they claiming. One who is responsible and doesn't promise the world is one to consider also. Good luck :)

  8. Do you have too much money or what? Just send me your money and I will tell you some things I've been "seeing".  Gezzz.... it's not much different than giving to churches that don't help anybody.  So, go ahead and just pick one.  They are all "faking it".  Grow up.  There is no Santa... no E-Bunny, no Betty Crocker, and nobody knows what happened before we were here and nobody "knows" what will happen after we are gone.... only dead men know.

  9. I see him running off with a Siberian Goat Herder named Igor - they will elope to Kazakhstan and become married to their herds - you will win £10,000,000 on the lottery and he will return to you and you will then marry and have 15 children - He will then become fed up and divorce you and claim half of you fortune and move back to Igor and their genetically modified Goats -

    It's a load of old BUNKUM

  10. Honestly, there is no credible evidence whatsoever for clairvoyance. While some "psychics" may actually believe that they are clairvoyant despite their lack of abilities, you are just as likely to find someone who is just a total fraud and knows it.

    In my opinion, it is not worth wasting your time (or money) on this.

  11. Look for a New Age shop or Psyhich Fair in your area.  They should be able to put you in touch with an honest one.

  12. Grow UP!

    only kidding.. wanna buy some magic beans?

    How about a diety?


  13. no no no no no no no no no

  14. Sweety, what you have to understand is that about one third of the population claims to be clairvoyant but only a handful are honest about it. The rest are only looking for money. Are there any good ones out there? Yes. But weeding them out of the crowd of frauds is a very dificult task. Is it worth seeing one at all? Not really.

    What are you looking to get out of this exactly? If it's to find out something about your future then it's better to stay away. Knowing something about your future can be rather damaging in the long run. Even if you do find a real clairvoyant and if they tell you something that will happen, say you'll meet the love of your life or some other usual news that they give you, would you argue with me if I told you you would happily go out with the next guy you meet? Even if he turns out to be a couch potatoe with no real job who's just looking for someone to support him?

    "But she told me that I would meet my love very soon."

    Yes, doesn't mean that it's the couch potatoe. Without your realization your mind becomes programmed to believe what is said to you on a subconcious level, whether it's a fraud telling you this or a real genuine clairvoyant. So the next thing you see that even resembles the prediction you think it's the real thing. This can really s***w with your life if you aren't careful and can turn out to be a waste of money in the long run. Even if your intentions are different for this visit, I wouldn't suggest it unless it was a one time thing, a dire situation in which you really saw no alternative, and you really were able to find a true, genuine clairvoyant who won't have the need to smoke a cigarette and then pull out a deck of tarot cards or their crystal ball when you enter the room. Hopefully there was some useful information somewhere in there ^.^''


  15. Since studying psychology and reding up on body language, facial features etc - i think that nearly all clairvoyants are cold readers meaning their is nothing paranormal about it. these cold readers have just learnt to tune in on the body language of others. i would do two things - trust your intutition and keep your money in your pocket

  16. well, be careful who you go to, there are alot of charlatans out there. It's worth seeing one if you feel that would help you.

    Sorry I don't know any that I could recommnend but trust your gut feeling whether you  think the person you want to see is sincere.

  17. no.

  18. Most clairvoyents are aware the Sceptics Society in the USA have offered a $1,000,000 prize for anyone who can demonstrate clairvoyancy in a controlled environment. So far they haven't been taken up, and nor will they.

    Other organisations have also offered huge rewards (another is in the UK). If a single clairvoyent was fair dinkum, they would be rich.

    Also, even in UNCONTROLLED environments they fail. For example, James Randi has exposed countless dozens of them, time and time again. Why do people still believe in them?

  19. join a local ghosthunting group as many mediums & clairvoyants are members of such groups

  20. check out

    they have lists

  21. There is a Mind Body & Soul exhibition usually around september, october and november. I know they have one in london and I think brighton, I can't remember where else, but there are several around the country during those months. Definately worth going, they are quite big and have all sorts of different things going on.

    Just found website

  22. Check with a local meditation center for a referral.

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