
I'm thinking about starting a club that helps kids and families in africa. Any tips?

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My friends and I are starting a club. We are going to raise money for the poor! but I need a few tips on how to get started!




  1. start with educating the people then tell them how they can help. to educate give them books to read, like a long way gone,

    team up with projects already out there like (RED)

  2. Why don't you so this for your own community?

    I'm certain there are children in your town/city, in dire need of

    school supplies, clothing, shoes or a mentor.

    Volunteer at the local library/community center/hospital to read to younger children or help them with their homework, on Saturday morning.

    Collect new stuffed animals and new books from your family and neighbors, for a near-by childrens hospital.

    Old Adage:

    "Charity begins at home."

  3. Start with educating yourself and those that are interested in what children and families face in Africa. Don't just talk about the obstacles (HIV/AIDS, flood of arms, corruption, discrimination against women, etc.) -- also talk about success stories (how different Liberia, South Africa and Ghana are now compared to 20 years ago, for instance), the music, the diversity of cultures and language, etc. Each meeting could focus on a different issue, a different country, etc.

    NetAid has programs specifically for high school students in North America who want to help in the developing world. NetAid is now a part of MeryCorps

    TakingIT Global is another resource for young people in the USA who want to do something to affect the situation positively in developing countries

  4. SAME HERE!!

    If you are interested in helping the educational system:

    Send a check or your credit card to:

    P.O. Box 716,

    St Helier,



    JE4 OPY

  5. Education on how the richest continent in the world contain most of the poorest citizens. Who controls that whole continent anyways? Shell oil, world bank, diamonds and gold you name it they have it.

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