
I'm thinking about using a Ouija board with all my friends ?

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yes i know stay away from one but i really dont want to i mean i really want to use one with all my friends but i will not do it at my house but do you think i should use one and also im feeling kinda scared now like someone is watching me




  1. The Ouija is not a toy.  Don't play with something you are untrained for nor are old enough to understand.

    EDIT:  OK, OK. But don't say I didn't warn you.  I mean, how many movies have you seen where the kids just didn't listen when someone older and weirder said: Dont go up into the attic, or dont repeat the name five times into a mirror, or dont try to duplicate your grandfather's experiments in the old labORatory...What always, always happened to the kids?

  2. Sure, do it.  Have fun, but don't get scared by the warning you hear from superstitious people.  The power of superstition lies in your willingness to believe it, so if you think you'll get freaked out you increase the chance you will.

  3. Well, I personally won't touch one, because under the right circumstances and the spirits willing, Ouija boards CAN work and they're likely to attract the darker spirits. I liken it to opening your door and inviting people to come in, then leaving it open all night in an unsafe neighborhood. Without specifying exactly WHO can come in, you're sort of asking for it. Here's a couple of questions for you to be able to decide for yourself.

    Do you know what to do to protect yourself from dark spirits coming through?

    Do you know how to tell if what you've got is a dark spirit?

    What if you realize too late, after it's already out of the board, so to speak, and determined to speak? What do you do then?

    There are a couple of precautions you can take. Burn candles, white ones, three of them. It represents the light. Burn incense. Frankincense is the strongest, but anything with a positive scent will do, such as Nag Champa or Patchouli. And ask to be surrounded by the light, by your guardian angels, and ask that only beings who exist in light and love be allowed to come through.

    Regarding someone watching you...there will always be someone watching you. They're friends. They're your guides and guardian angels. They're always there. They're watching OVER you.  

  4. Ifyou are scared and paranoid already then don't do it. I'm sure your friends will understand

  5. yes use one they are fun.

  6. I STRONGLY encourage you to use the Ouija board. Use it!  Use it often, every day if possible. Gather a group of your most superstitious, excitable friends to do it with you.

    My advice is to start by drawing a pentagram around you first. If you don't want to damage your floor, use masking tape or duct tape on the floor. Then light some candles (preferably black ones, never white), turn out the lights, and start by summoning the powerful demon Belial. He will help you with the answers you seek. Say something like "Great dark lord Belial, we summon thee!  Belial! Belial! Belial!"  Then be very quiet. Listen. Watch. Place your fingers on the planchette and wait for a message. You can take it from there.

    Best of luck!  Please tell us some of the wonderful things that happen. Oh, and tell Belial hi for me. We go way back. He's a fun guy, as demons go.

  7. Good idea,they are great fun.Sure you'll hear the warnings and dire predictions.Nonsense,no one has ever been hurt by a ouija board.Millions are sold every year.Have you ever heard a news report?A reputable one I mean.

    If you love to laugh,you'll love the Ouija.What could be funnier then tricking silly friends.Forget the warnings from foolish people.They're scaredy cats,afraid of a board game.Get a Ouija and have a ball.

  8. first of all thats not a question,

    second--- don't do it

  9. Does it really matter what anyone tells you here?  You will do what your gonna do anyways.

    If you do use it, you are doing it at your own risk & what ever will be, will be.  You will have to be responsible for the consequences of your actions.

  10. I can already see you've made your mind up to do it. When I was at school, girls who used the ouija always ended up hysterical and crying. They'd come in crying about shadows in their curtains and whatever.

    I've got two reasons why I wouldn't do it.

    The first is that it doesn't do anything so why bother? If the glass or whatever moves it'll be a friend pushing it around for a joke.

    The second is that if they do work I wouldn't mess with it!. I think you'll do it anyway but shouldn't. You won't enjoy it but make sure you've got a few friends with you and take care.

  11. If your scared now;; i suggest you not play with it.

    if you hink your friends are gonna call you wimpy.

    just say my mom doesnt want me to play with it

    or make up an excuse. ;; i wouldnt use them it invites

    ghosts and demons into your home. &+ Some might

    not wanna leave. and will attach themselves to you

  12. Yeah sure use one, the secret is that without realizing it you and your friends are pushing it around (don't tell them though 'cos that will ruin the fun).

    I know superstitious people say they are dangerous but would they be allowed to be sold as a toy if they were?

    Or have you ever seen the headline 'Person Killed by Demon After Playing Ouija' or 'Mental Hospital Over Crowded After Toy Shop has Ouija Board Special'?

  13. do it.  DO IT.  DO IT!

  14. Monopoly is more dangerous. Someone always is angry at the end of that game. Ouija is just a head game. Someone is consciously or unconsciously pushing the little doodad around. If you wanted to test this, do a session with the board rightside-up, and then later blindfold everyone but yourself and secretly turn the board upside-down and see how that little doodad moves around. Chances are it'll move as if the board were rightside-up.

  15. Just let me know which state and county you live in so I can be watching the news. I don't want to know anything about any of you. It will be easier that way reading about several MS. unknowns that have psychotic episodes from the same school. h**l the local cops will probably blame it on bad root beer.

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