
I'm thinking of applying to schools to be a teacher.?

by Guest61926  |  earlier

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Any advice? Any tips for being a teacher? What are the positives/negatives of that specific job? I want to make sure I know from people who have actually been down that path, so I can make the right decision for me.




  1. Don't do it becuae you think you'll have summers off and get off early.  Most teachers don't make it past their 5th year becuae of the stress invovled.  Those teachers that don't take their jobs serioulsy don't realize that they are helping to shape the lives of children.  My suggestion would be to spend a few days in a classroom in the fall and see if you think it would be something you would like to do.  I personally LOVE being a teacher but there are many days I come home crying, yelling, and freaking out.  It takes a special person to be a good teacher....make sure you're cut out for it.

  2. You need to decide if you like a specific subject enough to focus on that one subject or if you want to do elementary school which would mean teaching all subjects and a lower level.

    One thing to keep in mind is that you can't pick up and move easily so it would help if you are a person who intends to basically stay in one area.

    The positives are that the summers off are great with a family, you can focus on a subject you love, and working with young people can be really rewarding.

    The negatives are the discipline issues, pressures to inflate grades, paperwork, time constraints, taking work home to do, and the politics involved in getting a particular school or subject.

    Remember that after you teach a bit, you can get a graduate degree and become a counselor, librarian, or an administrator.

  3. I think teaching is one of the most difficult jobs in teh world... but on the bright side, there are certain people jsut gifted to do the job.  It is something within that inspires people to want to teach.  What makes it so difficult is the lack of funding and support from the community, the bad public, and the lack of time/money.  As a new teacher, I put in at least 60 hours a week of my own time.  Now not all teachers do this, but I am extremely dedicated.  You learn to want the best for your stduents.  This is a good thing, of course, but I also have my own family that doesn't get much from me.  Paper work and state demands are difficult... you need to be organized and self-diciplined... you need to be fair and consistent.  It's the most awesome job in the world though-- because you become a sort of mini-celeb that really influences and changes lives.  You can humanize children that have lived hard lives and give hope, sometimes, to those that are ready to give up.  As a teacher, your impact never ends... even decades later, you're still remembered.  Good luck!

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