
I'm thinking of auditioning for the high school play and/or musical. Good idea?

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I am going to be a freshman next year, and I was thinking of auditioning for the fall play (Twelfth Night) and/or the spring musical (Little Shop of Horrors). Are these plays good? Will there be many parts for them? Will I have a good chance of getting a part (very small school, about 50 students in my grade)?

I saw Little Shop of Horrors when I was younger, so I don't remember it much. I have never even heard about Twelfth Night, but I read the synopsis on Wikipedia.

So what is your overall opinion?


- Elizabeth -




  1. Not sure about Twelfth Night, but Little Shop of Horrors is a great musical.  Don't know about the amount of parts, but usually schools will make sure that everyone who auditions has at least a small part.

  2. SHOP is fun. 12th night is an excellent exercise in an adaptation of Shakespeare. Both are valid, even if you never say a single word.

       As to your next Q regarding "High School"... LAME is likely in the thought of an audience. It seems to appeal to the young, obviously thousands come here asking about it.

       It's A Mickey Mouse thing, with tons of $$$ backing it. It will NEVER become a classic, but that was never the intent. I'd pass, only because it and all the others are pretty much ripped off of so many similar.

  3. go for it!!!!

  4. I think you should go for it. Acting like someone you're not is SUCH a great time! You'll meet so many new people.

    Since you're a freshman, you may not get a huge role but you'll most likely get something. Any role in any show can be fun if you want it to be.

    You should do it!

  5. You could try but the students in the upper class will probably get the main parts. Because they have more experience. Try and audition, you might have a chance for a part if you are really talented if not if might be fun to be in a supporting role or work on the scenery or behind the scenes.

  6. I'm not really sure, but if you try out for 12th Night and are given a lead role, take it, it'll should be fun with all the boy/girl acting. But, if you're a small role, plays are sooo boring. You say your two lines, and you watch the main actors do the rest for every rehearsal.

    But acting, even in really bad plays, is fun to do.

    Good luck!


    if you are serious about pursuing either one of these great productions..then you have to start preparing yourself.

    Shakespeare is NOT easy!  It is a very difficult skill to master, but when you do...its great!  Start by previewing the play.  You should read it...its really great!

    Little Shop of Horrors..start training your voice!  The musical is much better than the movie..and the movie is fabulous!

    First choose which play you want to do..or if you want to do both!

    For Little Shop..start choosing your musical audition piece, maybe look at something from kiss me kate (not I HATE MEN)  

    For Twelfth Night, try picking a monologue from Midsummer Night's Dream.


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