
I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian after this video if It do become one then what can I eat? ?

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If I do become a vegaterian what can I eat and whats the diffrence from a vegan?




  1. Here is a small list.

    The only definitions worth repeating are from the founders of the words.

    vegetarian -

    vegan -

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentil, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegetarians have the same potential as anyone else.

  2. What vegetarian would you like to be. Lacto, ovo, lacto-ovo or vegan??

    Lacto veg*ns dont eat meat but can have milk and other milk products. No eggs as well.

    Ovo veg*ns cant have meat and other milk products but can have eggs and food that have eggs in them.

    Lacto-ovo veg*ns, combination of the 2.

    Vegans cant have meat, eggs and foods with egg products, no milk and other milk products, honey, gelatin, marshmallows and other hidden animal additives. They also cant use leather shoes or anything that comes from animals.

    A vegetarian can eat alot of foods. Here:



    Breads (it depends on what veg*n you are)







    flour related products

  3. There's lots of good foods to eat for vegetarians/vegans.  





    Fruits and Vegetables


    Peanut Butter



    Bean Burritos

    Vegetable Lasagna

    Vegetable Stir Fry

    Cheese Pizza (vegetarians)

    Vegetable Soup

    Veggie Burgers

  4. Congrats on wanting to go veg. Enjoy a balanced diet and it will be a decision you won't regret. A vegetarian eats no meat. Diet-wise, a vegan eats nothing that comes from an animal, such as eggs, milk, etc. I'm a vegan. If you become a vegetarian, you can eat anything that's not animal flesh. Vegetarians eat fruits, vegetables, cereals/wholegrains, bread, nuts & seeds, pulses, lentils, veggie burgers, veggie sausages, dairy, eggs, soya milk, tofu, chocolate, pasta...the list goes on. (Just as a side note, vegetarians do not eat fish or seafood).

    Good luck.

  5. anything that doesn't have eyes or a mother for vegetarian.  products derived  from anything that has eyes or a mother, such as milk, cheese, eggs etc., would not be allowed on a vegan diet.

    it's important to make healthy choices.  brown rice, whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits. vegetables and nuts.

  6. you can anything that doesn't have meat. the difference between vegetarian and vegan is that vegans don't anything from animals and vegetarians don't eat meat  

  7. Congrats on considering vegetarianism.

    I recommend picking up a good introductory book so that you know all you need to about vegetarian nutrition. Most have plenty of good starter recipes too.

    Beyond that, it's just a matter of eating a healthy balanced diet, primarily a mix of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and tofu, beans, wheat gluten and other proteins.

    You can visit local vegetarian restaurants to get some meal ideas. There's a whole world of flavor out there. Don't let anyone tell you a vegetarian diet is boring, and don't be afraid to try new things. Indian, Chinese, Lebanese cuisines, vegetables from around the world, all make for a lot of variety.

    There's also meat substitutes like veggie burgers, veggie dogs, veggie salami and so on so you can have things you may be missing.

    Vegans also cut out eggs and milk, not eating anything that comes from animals. There's good reasons to do this too if you care about animals, but take it one step at a time.

    Be sure to keep your diet well rounded. Eating nothing but chips, macaroni and cheese, and vegetarian pizza might *count* as a vegetarian diet, but it's not a healthy one.

  8. Vegetables.

    Vegans swear off anything made from anything that involves animals (fur, leather, dairy, eggs, meat, etc.).  Vegetarians just don't eat meat.

  9. If you are a Vegetarian, You can eat anything except Meat.

    If you are a vegan, You cant eat anything that comes from an animal.

    (Eggs, Milk, Cream, ETC)

  10. vegans dont eat anything produced by animals such as milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, eggs, ect. ect., and they dont eat anything with flesh in it

    vegetarians can eat ice cream and cheese and anything without flesh

    hope i helped


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