
I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian do you think i should?

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i don't have anything against eating meat it's just i don't like eating it. i grew up thinking every meal needed meat in it and i hated eating the meat. what do u think?




  1. go for it!! it's not hard at least it's not hard if you make sure you substitute meat in a healthy way.  just don't become one of those vegetarians that just eats junk food all the time and you'll be fine.  

    you'll need to learn new ways to cook food that integrate beans, tofu, nuts, etc. to replace the protein in meat.  you'll also want to make sure you get plenty of iron (found in dark, leafy greens like spinach) since you're a woman.

    a lot of vegetarians made the switch because they simply didn't like meat.....and if that's the case you shouldn't have any trouble switching over!  good luck to you =)

  2. if you don't like meat then stop eating it and buying it,that's all

  3. If you want to become a vegetarian then I think you should go ahead and do it. I hope you choose to do it in a healthy manner though because there are still many unhealthy foods out there that are vegetarian friendly. Steer clear of the junk and processed foods and eat a balanced diet after that and you'll feel great!

  4. its important to eat meat because its really good for you. if you are a vegetarian then you will probably miss out of the nutrition. just try to pretend that you aren't eating meat...

  5. If you don't like it, then don't eat it.  Just make sure you get all the nutrients that you will be missing out on by not eating meat.  Make sure you eat a variety of the other foods.  Talk to your doctor and tell him what your plans are.  Then see what kinds of vitamins you should be taking along with your meals.

  6. That's why I stopped eating it all together.

    1.) I would eat a meat dish and then think: If the meat was taken out of this dish, I would have been JUST as happy with it.

    2.) I would buy chicken breast or ground beef and throw it out a year later because I never cooked it.

    Seriously, if you really don't like it, find an alternative. Just think about it this way - an animal had to die for you to eat it. If you rather not have it, that would be better for both you and that animal!

  7. It's your decision to make, but sure, it makes sense to go vegetarian if you don't enjoy the taste of meat. You can get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need by eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains.

    Good veg sources of protein, iron, and calcium:

    Hope this helps!

  8. okkkkkkkk start eating vegetarian.

  9. i don't know why you would be influenced by the opinion of all of us people whom you have never met. i don't care. do what you like.

  10. well if you really love animals you should become a vet it has nothing to do with the fact that you do/do not like eating meat lol

  11. Yo! I'm vegetarian, but I wouldn't exactly recommend it. It really requires some serious thinking. I'm a born veg cos I've been raised that way, and I don't regret it. I get utterly disgusted when some of my veg friends express desire to eat meat, and sometimes I do, sort of naturally, promote vegetarianism among my friends.

    The reason for my vegetarianism is my religion, but I believe in kindness to animals. I know we're killing plants too, but why not save one?

    I've accidentally taken meat before, and without knowing what it was, I threw up, so I can safely say I don't like it. (:

    Being vegetarian involves determination somewhat like an ex-smoker. You need to remind yourself why you're vegetarian, and make sure you stick to it. If you're thinking of it cos it has better health benefits, you should have less of a problem. If it's because of other things, like the animals thing, then it would be a little harder. You also need to know that vegetarianism is mostly more healthy, except you really don't get enough protein. And that's important for energy.

    You mention that you don't like eating meat. If this is the reason for you wanting to be vegetarian, then look at the reason for that dislike. If it is because it tastes bad, then just hold it back and eat it, cos a moderate amount isn't unhealthy. But if it's because of the other moral issue, then I'd say go ahead with being vegetarian.

    & overall, since I'm vegetarian and therefore my view may be biased, I'd say BE VEGETARIAN! (:

    Make sure you stick to your decision, cos it's very important not to make too many dietary switches! Your body needs to settle down! Whatever you choose, good luck!

    Wow this took a lot of typing! xD

  12. If you want to become a vegetarian then I think you should go ahead and do it. I hope you choose to do it in a healthy manner though because there are still many unhealthy foods out there that are vegetarian friendly. Steer clear of the junk and processed foods and eat a balanced diet after that and you'll feel great!

    I'm neither a vegetarian or vegan, the flexitarians don't want me. This gives me the credentials to answer all vegetarian questions.

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