
I'm thinking of doing a part time business cleaning houses should I be concerned about insurance right now?

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I'm thinking of doing a part time business cleaning houses should I be concerned about insurance right now?




  1. protect yourself theres too many sue happy people out there  so dont take a chance .Check around for a decent price .

  2. Youre going to have to have insurance to legally operate. If you dont and something happens may be sued and could face prosecution.

  3. YES, if an employee gets injured you´ll get sued 4 not having insurance.

  4. for just part time business why waste your money on insurance? I wouldn't!  Full time business a different matter though!  See how your business goes and if goes well then you can afford insurance!  Don't spend what you can't afford in the beginning!

  5. Try to possess as much information as you can maybe is one option,however it is time consuming,here is the one i have ever had good experience with.

  6. Insurance would be needed in case you damage a clients property or your actions cause harm to someone while working. Insurance gives you protection and may put your clients at ease as well which, could lead to potentially more people wanting your services.

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