
I'm thinking of going into advertising photography..?

by  |  earlier

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If that's a kind of photography, that is =). I had a lot of trouble trying to get my message into my photos, and in advertising, it's easier, and I enjoy it just as much. So I tried photographing my and my brother's Crocs. What do you think?

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  1. I think now that you have set a goal, you need to seek out all you can find about product photography. Enjoy it!

  2. It is a great field and can be a very good money maker.  Many successful photographers started out doing it and then moved on to their own specialties.  I would suggest going to a library and looking in the photography section and look at the kinds of things other photographers have done as it may help spark more creativity on your part.  Don't try to copy their style but learn the techniques they used and apply them to yours.  You must also keep in mind that your vision for a product and the clients vision may not always be the same.  If they are paying you then you do it their way.

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