
I'm thinking of going to Albania on holiday next month - has anyone been there?

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Where is good to stay and how safe is it?




  1. I've heard it has lovely places and beaches, like all the Ionian coast and islands, but I would not feel safe goind there plus I doubt there are amenities like good hotels, shops, transport, etc. So it's up to you.  

  2. I've been on a day trip from Greece, 2yrs ago. We went to Saranda. Very strange place, loads of brand new hotels, apparently empty, virtually no shops & we definitely didn't feel very safe. The roads are pretty awful too.

    Stunning scenery.

    Glad we went, but a day was long enough!

  3. Albania has made vast improvements over the last few years in terms of security and infrastructure.  You definitely have to visit the Southern coast.  I'd suggest Saranda and the ancient ruins of Burtint.  Most of the Southern coast is still unspoilt from mass tourism.  I wouldn't miss Tirana (the capital) either.

    As some posters have stated there's much to be done to improve a tourist's experience but the hospitality of the natives will more than make for its drawbacks.

  4. Good on you, it's about time people started visiting Albania agan, tourists are exactly what this country needs again.

    As a previous poster said, there are plenty of empty brand new hotels in Saranda, this seaside resort is where Albanians (who can afford it!) go for their holidays.

    The scenery is breath-taking and there are ferry links to Corfu if you'd like to do a bit of shopping, as Saranda has few shops.

    The weather is reliably beautiful throughout the summer months so if it's a beach holiday you're after then you're laughing.

    I wouldn't venture out in the evenings, better to pick a hotel that can cater to all your needs.

    It is a poor country and unfortunately there can be criminal activity on tourists - like many poor countries.

    If you bear this in mind though, you'll have a wonderful time, and you'll find that the vast majority of Albanians are warm and friendly.

    I'd love to return, I hope you make the right decision.

  5. lol the nation your going to is economically disturbed tons of nations in the european continent are improving on their economy.well albania changed a little.poverty is hard to ignore.the beaches are more like mini land fills.the majority of tourists that went their are nationalists or albanian descents.their racists as well if your asian they will make fun of you because of your eyes.i have nothing against asians but thats how they are.well i hope my answer doesnt get deleted but alot of albanians are suck ups to not saying that italy is bad but they copy their local customs they talk alot about it.infact most of the food in grocery store are imported from italy.

  6. I wouldn't go there, it's very poor, and chances are you will be so disappointed, better off going to one of the Greek islands.

  7. I worked in Albania in '99 along the Kosovo border.

    Some areas are OK - well as OK as Albania can get, I was the 1st ex pat to enter Tropoje district in 6 months due to an aid agency vehicle being ambushed and the driver killed. Tirana the capital has a major smog problem, not helped by burning rubbish in skips in the street, I developed a cough within minutes of arriving in Tirana.

    The road network is below the standard of an African country( - 7 hours for a 200km drive from Tirana to Kukes) corruption is rife. The chief of police was crossing into greece for a conference on stolen vehicle trafficing in the balkans, the Greeks checked his car at the border and found it had been stolen from Germany!

    be prepared to pay an entry and exit charge, when I went it was $50 to get in and $10 to get out. In short, unless you really need to go, don't

  8. I was in Kosovo and Bosnia in 1988 (while "Yugoslavia" was still communist) + thus within eyesight of the border +saw Albanians crossing into Greece while on that trip, but I've not been inside Albania so no first-hand knowledge to pass along. Have you tried a travel site like globetrekker? Just wondering though: why Albania, do you have family there?

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