
I'm thinking of going vegan and im already vegetarian for my whole life so...?

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what do i not eat?

no animal bi products rite?

so like no milk, butter, eggs... what else?

im already vegetarian so i dont eat meat or fish so yeah...




  1. No honey either, but what is your purpose?

  2. That's great you're thinking about going vegan.

    In my opinion, vegans should avoid meats, dairy, and eggs in their diet.... that's it. Worrying about the hidden ingredients that make up less than 1% of your food seems counterproductive to me. Veganism should be about doing the most good for animals. A person can save more animals in an hour by handing out pamphlets than by obsessing over the ingredients in food, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc.

    Keep in mind that there are animal products in most medicines, film, candies, soap, and even car tires. It's impossible to be 100% vegan. But the meat, egg, and dairy industries are responsible for about 99% of animal suffering, so you can have a powerful impact by withdrawing your support for these industries. Veganism is about making simple choices that help animals -- choosing a bean burrito over a chicken burrito, or soy yogurt over dairy yogurt.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Well, giving up meat is hard, so you're halfway there.  So, as for what not to eat being vegan, here's where the fun starts.  

    Some major no-nos:

    -Meat and bi products (would also include things cooked with lard, chicken or beef based broth, etc)

    -Milk (cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, butter, ice cream, milk chooclate, etc. This is a difficult one to avoid.)


    -Gelatin (by the way, beware-many pills and vitamins have gelatin capsules, look for vegetarian ones)

    -Any thing made with the above (non-vegan waffles, cheese based sauces, certain breads, it goes on)

    Other things to consider

    -Honey, some vegans chose to eat it, other's don't. It's more of a personal choice

    -Leather, being vegan does not necessarily stop at what you eat

    Basically, if you turn vegan you'll become a master at reading labels.  ALWAYS know what you're putting in your system.  The most difficult thing being vegan is going out to eat, as most people don't get it.  It's really just best to stick to whole foods: veggies, fruits, rice, beans, nuts, soy products, cereals, all of that good-for-you stuff and stay away from processed foods as much as possible.  And, if you are unsure or have any questions, there are so many wonderful references in print and online.  Just always be careful of your intake of vitamins, minerals, protein, and other essential dietary elements because if you do this incorrectly you are putting yourself in danger of becoming unhealthy and nutrient deficient.  I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck!

  4. No dairy, no eggs, no honey.  Many ingredient lists now identify whey and casein as dairy ingredients and even say at the bottom in bold that a food contains dairy/eggs/fish, whatever.  Look at the listed allergens to see if there's any animal ingredients.

    You'll want to avoid beeswax, lanolin, and carmine--to name a few--in your cosmetics, cleansers, etc.

    You'll want to look for brands that don't test on animals.

    There are tons of vegan online retailers out there (at least here in the U.S.), so you can get lots of good stuff.

    If you don't already read labels, get used to reading them.

  5. I agree that Veganism is not just a diet its going to change your whole lifestyle. I never used to read labels when I do. When I first became vegan, I thought I just couldn't drink milk,eat eggs, etc. But it is much more than that. You will learn that almost everything has some sort of animal byproduct in it. I've made a lot of mistakes thinking something is vegan then reading it and it has whey, casein, glycerin, etc.

  6. Have a good time. Just remember, that Veganism is not just "dietary restrictions" it's a whole LIFESTYLE: The basic principle of a "Vegan" is not to consume or use animal products of any kind. So, no leather clothing, no honey, no Jell-o...etc...

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