
I'm thinking of holidaying in Cornwall. It it worth it?! Or abroad instead? Any info welcomed!!!?

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I'm thinking of holidaying in Cornwall. It it worth it?! Or abroad instead? Any info welcomed!!!?




  1. Hmmm... actually that isn't a very hard question. Cornwall definitely. I've just had a peek on the internet and this site seems to have a lot of info. Check it out: ... quite pro-Cornwall but the surf is good!  If you're into that.  Or look at the tourist board website or whatever.

  2. Come to the US. The pound is so strong against the dollar you can stretch your holiday money further.


    Gas is approaching 3 here.

  3. I lived in Cornwall for 10 years. It's FANTASTIC and miss it every second!

    Go there yes. Go to the far west and visit Falmouth, Penzance, St Ives, the Lizard and Hayle beach.

  4. I live in Cornwall, and the weather here is absolutely appalling, it hasn't stopped raining for nearly 3 weeks now. I have just booked a fortnights holiday in the South of France for a fortnight next year, and it's cost me just over £500 for a fortnight for 5 of us!! (including ferry travel)

    Book a cheap deal with one of the Euro-camp firms, and enjoy the sun in France, as most of the holidaymakers are packing up and going home early. It's usually packed here in Cornwall, but at the moment, it's just like October.  

    I look after a holiday cottage in Cornwall, and the owners charge £500 (a week!!!)  for these 2 weeks in August. Would you rather bask in the South of France, than freeze, and get a good soaking in Cornwall???? It's up to you!! I know I'm sick of the sight of rain!!!

  5. Cornwall is nice but weather isn't guaranteed but traffic chaos is :P.

    It depends on how far it is to travel down to cornwall from where you are (to our american cousin Gas is um 12 dollars a gallon here now) is it a family trip?

    I would say if you have a young family, give it a go! if there are just adults i would get a cheap flight someplace warm.

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