
I'm thinking of leaving my fiancee.

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Well. We have been together for 2 and a half years and we have the most amazing 11 month old daughter ever. My fiancee is a welder and travles all over the country and we have seen him twice in the past two months. Well...for the past month he has been a royal prick and has been treating me like c**p. I canfronted him about this and he says that he doesn't see what he is doing wrong. I love my fiancee, I REALLY do. He's a great man but I don't know if there is really room for me in his life. I honestly don't think he's cheating or anything like that. Help. What do I do?




  1. If you love him, have a child with him, and believe he is well and truly a good man you should work on the relationship. Speak with him about getting a job closer to home, or at the very least attending couples'/family counseling when he's home. Bailing out at the first sign of trouble really doesn't speak well of you, or your love and commitment to him or your child.  

  2. The longer you know someone, the more you are able to see what they are really like. Now something has changed for some reason. If he's tired of the relationship, then this is what you'll get if you continue with him.

    My honest opinion, I'd try to figure out what is wrong. Then I'd make a decision about whether or not this is the man for me.  

  3. couples counseling to find common ground  

  4. since their is a child in the matter i think you should wait a little more and see and not be too rash. Maybe hes just really stressed. You say you love him so you can wait. Or maybe even postpone the wedding until you are absolutely sure this is the right man for you..A whole lifetime is a lot of years.  

  5. You have a child in the situation, so it's best to wait a bit I say.

    I'm sure he has room for you, but his job just puts him around the world.

    Some people have to learn to live with that.

    If you truly love him, why leave?

  6. I don't think you should be asking these personal life changing questions here, people can give you bad answers and ruin your life. Ask your parents they are wise.

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