
I'm thinking of making a thesis on analysis of demand for live do i explore this topic?

by  |  earlier

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i don't know what methodology to use..




  1. First, list the different types of live entertainment.

    Second, identify what type of customers purchase such live enetrtainment and how.

    Third. Find out the income classes / family fegments who prefere which types oe live entertainment.

    Fourth, find the price structure of different types of live etertainment.

    Fifth, try to get an idea about how much different types of customers in different income / wealth/ age classes spend annually on live entertainment through a sample survey.

    Sixth, find from the same survey, what kind of alternatives they consider when a particular type of live entertainment becomes costlier to guage the extent of substitution among the live entertainment alternatives and also to other forms of priced enjoyment competying with live entertainment.

    Seventh, relate the amount spent annually on live entertainment to the price of entertainments and income, welth, age , cultural , education groupss of customers.

    Eight, get some data from the sale of live entertainment by different live entertainment theatres/ companies.

    These will be for startng the demand analyss experiment.

    good luck.

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