
I'm thinking of moving to Spain but would like to rent to see if we can handle it Alicante area any advice ??

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We would need to live near an airport , my husband will be commuting every 2 weeks for his job .




  1. does it have to be alicante? near do you have to be to an airport?...

    the is a big golf complex on the costa calida called camposol, you can rent there for around 400 euros a month (if its long term)......its about 50 mins from murcia airport, 10 mins to the next spanish town and about 15 min drive to beautifull beaches,

    i think its very reasonable, as there are plenty of bars and restaurants in walking distance..............and plenty of ex pats so you will fit in easily.

    want any more info let me know,

  2. Its a nice area, You will be able to rent there no problem you normally need one months deposit and two months in advance but will be able to move it straight away if it is available, You rent for 11months over there then you can renew it if you wish. You will have to get a NIE number if you are going too live there that is for bank accounts and work etc. It very easy to get one one just go to local police station fill out form with your passport details and two passport photos then it takes a few weeks for it to come back, but you can do that when you get there. good luck

  3. I have lived in the Costa Blanca 16 years, and also sold property here. I have a friend that is doing just what your husband wants to do. They bought a finca that they are restoring, but as they can't afford to retire yet, Pete goes back to the UK to continue his job and Yvonne stays alone with her dogs at the finca. So he's here 1 week and goes back for 3, she does mind and is really enjoying learning the language (by tapes when at home alone) and driving around getting to know the area etc. When he's here they work together on the house. that is the only way that they could afford to eventually retire here. I actually sold them the property but have now become a firm friend also. They didn't rent first but had family here who gave them alot of advice and also put them in contact with me.

    Their property is in a town called Sax which is 25 mins from Alicante airport, and is cheaper than the coast to rent ands to buy and there are alot of expats in and around that area. The nearer the coast the more expats, less job opportunities and more expensive properties. Usually rents can be around 450-650€ a month, and a previous answer was partly correct in that you usually need 1 month rent up front, and 2 months holding deposit. But the other statement they made about renting for 11 months is no longer the law, that has been abolished for some time, and the law is on the renters side and not funnily enough the owner. You usually have a rental contract for 1 whole year, which can mutually be renewed automatically for up to 5 years, so giving you the option to stay for up to that time, if within the term of contract you wish to leave you usually have to give them between 1-2 months notice and you can do this at any time. If however, they wish you to leave they have to wait until the end of the year to say they are not renewing the contract. Of course if you wish to be nice and they ask you to leave before this you could say yes, but (for example) pay my removal costs, or you could refuse to go.

    If you want any more advice at no obligation, but just to pick my brains you are very welcome. Alternatively send me a private email and I'll ask Yvonne my friend if you can call them for their advice directly.

    Good luck

  4. Keep well clear of a man called Ken Whitfield, aka Alkudos2, aka Badlietenant33 - he lives south of Alicante I think

    Other from that I would recommend Calpe - not far from Alicante - a friends parents have an apartment there and love it

    Good luck!

  5. Wise idea to rent and not rush into buying. Alicante itself is a large and busy town, best to look outside of the area within 30 minutes there are lots of smaller towns and villages with a few english scattered around. Have yiou thought about what you are going to do to pass the time while hubby's away? That will have a bearing on where to really look for property to rent, feel free to email me with any specifics and I'll do my best to answer you

  6. I live in the Alicante area, 5 minutes outside the town in the campo area. I have lived in Spain 17 years now. 5 years this area and 12 inland from Denia. However, living before in a small village and now nearer town, I must prefer it in Alicante area. Better shops, nearer the hospital, not far from airport, more civilised in general. Makes a big difference when you first come here. I think it is a good idea to rent for a while, then at least you are not committed to one area, if you don't like it move on. It's not easy here, but it can be rewarding. Workwise it's very hard going, but socially Spain is ideal. The weather gives a lot of freedom.

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