
I'm thinking of starting a new political party but without politics.?

by Guest34377  |  earlier

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I want to call it The Sensible Party. I'm sick of all the stupid things that people in Government keep coming up with to keep us in line but don't actually work. For instance, instead of banning smoking completely, could we not have left the decision to landlords as to whether their pubs were smoking or non smoking? but they couldn't change their minds once they decided. And I've got loads more of ideas too. Anyone else want to join?




  1. Yes...I'll join.   Of course we'll need $$$ to start organizing.  How about a Nationwide Car Wash?

  2. Have you not thought out the reason for the smoking ban in pubs ? They talk about workplaces, but that is only padding, and it has nothing to do with health either.....the legislation is there expressly to damage the trade in pubs and make them unpopular. I am not being alarmist, but we pay sometimes up to six times for a beer in a pub than the price we would pay from a supermarket. Let us also not forget the tax on entertainment in pubs and clubs. It is to stop exactly what you are thinking about now. If we meet, we have ideas, we share ideas, we may decide action and the government does not have control over that action. The government wishes to stop our conduit for communication. The legislation is specifically aimed at closing pubs and clubs. We live in an age where you can no longer take things at face value. For example have you thought about the real reason for HIPS (The home information pack you must supply when selling a property)? Try linking it up with council tax payments and assessments and you might be getting somewhere near the mark. I've also got loads of ideas for a new party, but you can't do it without a manifesto, and once you have a manifesto, you have politics.

  3. Not possible.

    "Man is a political animal."


  4. ill vote for you but get rid of the pc brigade ,such naughty children demanding we do as they say,half of them look like a well skelped butt

    beards and sandals will be banned as we dont want some greeny moaning about ozone when we break wind

  5. each politic  is on the road to stewpiditea

    if its wrong to smole which it is then is it not wrong to get tax money from smokers

    dont want to join unless you dont have any law or rule   wanabee Free

  6. How are you going to make a political party without politics? What you want to do is make a club.

  7. How can you form a political party without having a political agenda!Have you been talking to that 'dreamer'the Archbishop of Canterbury!!

  8. I think what you are looking for is the Independent Party.Man I would not mind a slumber party, bunch o women running around in their skimps, h**l yea, now that is America.

  9. good idea, and thought the same myself.  Too many loony ideas put forward by people who seem to have no idea of real life and real people's needs.  Why didn't they just make that pubs can allocate an area for smokers, that doesn't impact of those that don't, works for everyone then. I am a non smoker by the way.

  10. excellent ideas, the government should take notice

  11. Wouldn't a political party without politics be called a slumber party?

  12. A political party without politics would just be a party.  Did anybody bring the refreshments?

  13. I suggest that perhaps you don't have the full facts behind Government decision making. Write to your MP and ask for a tour around the House of Commons and follow a Government consultation to give you an idea of how things work. The policies you mention have been worked on by hundreds of people and lots of differing political views have been balanced to reach that decision.

    It is a lot more complex than the tabloids make it out to be!

  14. You`re a smoker let me guess.

  15. Good Idea, but as soon as you have a policy it becomes political. Agree with you about the government though, Labour loves the Nanny state and always thinks it knows best on everything - especially how to spend the majority of the money people earn!

  16. That is called anarchism.

  17. based on the 'leaving smoking bans up to private establishments' agenda, its sounds like the Libertarian Party.

    Ron Paul 08

  18. The government knows what is best for us.

    Establishment, Establishment you always know whats best. Learn the rules!!

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