
I'm thinking of switching to men?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm not g*y or anything, but I've had it with women. Should I start dating guys instead? I'm not attracted physically to males, but I enjoy the company of my bros any day compared to a ho. ya know what I'm sayin’ guys?

So, should I switch? Also, if yes, how do I get over the fact that I'm straight, but wanting to have relationships with men? It’s just a thought. I’m not too sure, and yes I’m straight.




  1. yeah it's like On/Off switch

  2. Stick with women. Just think of it: I meet you in a g*y bar, you chat me up, we end up in bed and you realise that there is absolutely no attraction. Spoil my whole day.

    Stcik with what you are attracted to, and become a friend of a g*y if that is what you want.

  3. I suppose you could, although I don't know how much pleasure you would derive from having them. You need to be sexually aroused by men (if that is the relationship you are referring to, a sexual or romantic one), for the chances of your decision to be successful. If you just want to "hang out" with men, you need not "give up women".

    And you're right, you can do whatever you want, it's your life. I hope that you are just as forthright and forthcoming with your potential male partners about your history and why you want to pursue a "relationship" with them.

  4. you cant just CHANGE. if you dont like them you just dont, forcing urself to like them is not gonnna help ur situation in the least.  

  5. While I don't think people can just "change teams" at will, if its something you're interested in, give it a try. :) Be up front and honest about that with any guy though. Its not fair otherwise.

    As for getting over being straight... well, try some anal fun and see if its pleasurable. XD You have to be alittle interested in men or it just won't be fair to the poor guy you hook up with.

    My honest recommendation though is to keep looking for Miss Right. Not everyone finds her right away... some of us poor fools have a long journey.  

  6. if you switch i'm interested =)  

  7. You can't just decide to one day switch! There's a whole bunch of forms you you have to fill out and you have wait in line for several hours to get your license before you can even call yourself g*y. Then there's the eight hours of orientation classes (pun intended) and the three months of bootcamp involving shopping sprees, spa treatments, gym training, and lots and lots of vigorous s*x with other men. This isn't something you can wear a rainbow bracelet and waltz into. This a lot of hard work and not every tom, d**k, and harry can join.

    Don't you know ANYTHING!? GOSH, straight guys... honestly. I don't know how women put up with you. :P

  8. Give it a try and maybe your g*y side will flourish.

  9. Since I seem to be a magnet for bi-curious guys, I'll stay out of this one.

  10. If you are actually considering this you either have not thought it all the way through or you are not as straight as you think you are.  On the other hand as Seinfeld said if you find a guy your size "you automatically double the size of your wardrobe".  Honestly though if you are not attracted to guys I don't see how you could pull this off. On the other hand a rear end is tighter than any v****a you're ever likely to, well you know.  But what the h**l, give it a try who knows you might like it.  If not well then you'll know.


  11. why would you switch to men if you're straight..? i don't know if you could love someone in "that way" if you;re not even interested in people of that gender! just take some time off from women, doesn;t mean you have to date men!

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