
I'm thinking of taking a visit to Hawaii...?

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I want to visit Hawaii as early as next spring or early summer before I decide to ever live there. I'm 18 years old and I thought why not take a visit there first and see if this is the place I truly want to live and finish my college career. Any suggestions on what cities/islands/hotels to visit and stay? How much money should I bring and how expensive should this visit be overall? Also would any of you consider Hawaii to be a great place to live?




  1. I just got back from a vacation in Hawaii 2 days ago, and i have to say, it was EXTREMELY expensive. It has to do with the whole shipping things overseas from the mainland.

    In recommendation, I would say Maui- it was truly beautiful. I stayed in Ka'anapalli at the Westin- expensive again, but im sure if you did a little research you'd find a great hotel.

  2. I lived in Honolulu back in '66. I was just a child then, but it is exciting, expensive and a great education on how other cultures view main landers.  Show lots of respect to others and you will have a lot more fun there.  

  3. nope good luck though

  4. Big Island of Hawaii has the most sightseeing Oahu has the most city life Maui is the most expensive.....very very very expensive to do any tourist trips.....gas is out of sight and it is truly a paradise to live in....if you are a beach bum or rich

  5. I think you should totally go to Hawaii but i never been there

  6. You are wise to visit before coming here permanently.  It may not be what you think.  If you are scouting, rather than vacationing, you should not stay in a Waikiki hotel.  Consider options like staying in a residential YMCA or possibly the Pagoda hotel, which is not far from the Ala Moana Shopping Center.  Be sure to do things like visit grocery stores.  You might want to take a trip to your local grocery & write down what it costs for things you frequently purchase.  Bring that with you & be prepared for some sticker shock.  

    I would recommend Oahu as the most appropriate island for you to live if you are going to college.  If not Oahu, then Hilo on the Big Island.  The other islands have only community colleges as options.

    I live here & happen to think it is a great place to live, but the cost of living is pretty outrageous & it isn't an easy place to get a start in life.

  7. omgg i love hawaii


    and stay at the hilton hawaiin village i go there every summer almost and its soo amzing and i guess as much as i love it there. i wouldnt LIVE there. its kind of boring if u stay too long! GO TO ZIPPYS!

  8. You should go to Uzbekistan, it's a great country, It like U.S.A. it has this stupid president named Islam Karimov, but still Uzbekistan is a great country, beleive me.

  9. Lived on Oahu for more than twenty years.  

    It truly is beautiful, but living there is a different story.  I suggest you go to two websites daily and see just how life really is there.  It is not a Cinderella story anymore like it was when I first moved there.  I moved away three years ago and it was the best move I ever made.

    The Honolulu Advertiser

    The Star Bulletin

    Find out about the thousands of homeless, the incompetent State Government, the horrid traffic on Oahu with no solutions, the drug problem, the bad schools.  Then you have to deal with the over priced gas, Real Estate, housing, food, goods, etc,

    Really do your homework.  Is that the kind of life you really want?

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