
I'm thinking of taking martial arts classes, but not exactly sure what I'm looking for?

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I know that there are many different styles to choose from, each with their own advantages. I'm trying to gain speed, power, and agility too, but also want to be able to fight on the ground so that's where I'm at a lost, what martial art style can provide those? Probably not a single martial art style can provide all those, but I'm willing to take up to 2 different classes. A friend of mine recommended boxing, but that just covers the punches and goes for the upper part of the body right? What if someone decides to attack the lower part of the body... say the legs? I'm just looking for 2 different styles that can be used to defend/counter against almost all physical attacks (kicks, punches, grapples). Any suggestions? thanks




  1. Why not check to see if there is a good MMA class in your area. Most will offer a  free class so you can go in and see if you like it. I tried it out and liked the concept, but not the school. There were learning striking and grappling at the same time though so you can get the best of both worlds there at a good school. The  BJJ school I joined has MMA training also, but I'm going to wait until I get better at the ground game first. Hope that helped you. Oh, if you are looking for something with Belt ranks then see if there is a BJJ school in your area that has MMA. Good luck on finding a school and style that you like.

  2. Savate is a good discipline to take along with boxing.

    Another is Japanese Jiu Jitsu (for when you get to close quarters.)

    See what schools are available in your area and ask permission to sit in on at least one class at each school before committing yourself.

    I practice BARTITSU (technically Neo-Bartitsu) which is a combination of:



    Jiu Jitsu,

    Judo and

    Stick techniques.

    Only problem is there are no schools around that teach it...

    We practitioners are few and far between!

  3. I second the Capoeira suggestion. I practice Capoeira as well, and to be honest, I am completely in love with it. It is the perfect combination of speed, agility, and slyness.

    As far as ground fighting, naturally BJJ, Judo, Aikido, Hapkido, or traditional Jiujutsu.

  4. first of all you must gain self-discipline,the rest come natural.

  5. Brazilian Ju jitsu

  6. capoiera is a cool style but i would not recommend it for fighting.

    I do aikido and it is an all defense martial art that does not provide kicks punches chops or any other strike. i can defend myself with it and i love it the teach you how to walk on your knees. the founder of this is said  to be the best martial artist ever.

    Otherwise i would recommend BJJ(Brazilian Ju-Jutsu)

  7. There are an number of styles that i could recomend, but for what you're looking for i would say judo, ju jitsu, or capoeira.

    I do Capoeira and i enjoy it, lots of foot work, and theres a lot of things related to it so you can never get bored of it!

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