
I'm thinking of taking my 1 year old son to Gymboree music classes...?

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Anyone else tried them....did your baby enjoy it?




  1. Isn't he a little too young he probably doesn't even know how to talk.

  2. Oh yes it's a lot of fun for them.

  3. I think normal gymboree classes are better for the younger kids. It is super fun to crawl through the tubes and play with the parachute. When your child turns 2 they would get more out of the music class.

  4. How old of a 1?  I took my oldest to some when she was 14 mo. because I was 9 mos. pregnant and it was too hard to chase her around the gym part.  She was bored.

    We've used his plan with both our girls.  I has worked well:

    Level 1-4 (birth to 22 mo.) Play & Learn classes.

    Level 5 (22-28 mo.) Music class. Our older liked this class the least, but our younger child really enjoyed it.  

    Level 6 (28-36 mo.) Art class.

    Level 7 (3-5 yr.) School readiness program

    So it probably depends on the child.  Ask about having a free trial class.  My older one didn't like it because she wanted to be in the gym. But she did enjoy playing all the instruments during the unstructured time, and she still enjoys singing the songs with me at home.  My younger one liked it all.  Exposure to different types of music, scarf dancing (Loves it still at 3!), and playing instruments.

    If you do the music class, I'd suggest getting a basket or tote to fill with instruments and scarves to recreate the class at home.  You can get them cheaply at dollar stores or outlet stores.

    Over time our tote has come to include: scarves and ribbons for dancing, rhythm sticks, tambourine, egg shakers, triangles, jingle bells, cow bells, accordion, floor tom-tom drum, bongo drums, whistle, maraca, recorder, castanet, kazoo, harmonica, rainsticks, and stirring xylophone.  Would love to add a zydeco washboard, cabasa, and zils.

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