
I'm thinking of taking weed to treat depression and anxiety ?

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instead of medication which i have recently weened myself off of do you think this is a good idea ? has any 1 got any personal experience?




  1. if this was the answer, then everyone in the world with depression would be cured by now



    its a waste of money and not to mention you could become an addict....  

  2. you just want to take weed to get high LMAO

  3. Let's start with the proper terminology.."smoke" not take.  and that is good way to do it IF you are trying to CAUSE depression and anxiety.  paranoia???  fun fun fun.... ?

  4. It's good you have weaned yourself off your medication. Presumably because of the side effects. Now you're 'clear' and should ask your doctor for a different one such as Prozac which is not addictive.

    Then work on the causes of your anxiety and depression.

    Apart from the legal aspect, smoking weed is not a good idea and it can  lead to dependency and worse.

  5. i dont understnad why you would ween yourself off med's for depression. 1st of all its LEGAL, compared to weed. Now i am not saying dont indulge. But i really think you should try prosac or some other form to treat your problem.

    I am on prosac for almost 10 years. I would never not stop.

  6. Yes. But it depends on the person.

    I knew a girl who used to have anxiety attacks to bad that she would tear out her hair and vomit uncontrollably on herself. She lost extreme amounts of weight and became depressed. She got her Medical Marijuana card and a year later she was able to hold down a job and have a normal life.

    However, marijuana, especially if it's not flushed properly by the grower can actually trigger an anxiety attack, so smoke as little as you can to get the effect you need. And if you can always use organic medication....and look into using a vaporizer. They are so much better for you.

    For those of you asking WHY someone would want to be off of depression/anxiety medication should look at the side effects of those things. d**n.

  7. It seems to work for some people. In some people, the symptoms get worse. But then you have to worry about the fact that it's illegal, you always have to find somebody that has it, and its hard to leave work, school, family functions, etc, to go smoke it.  

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