
I'm thinking to move to Australia if Obama wins the presidency? Do they like Americans?

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And which Australian city would be the best? I have a degree finance, can i find a good job in Australia?




  1. We like Americans, and you definately can get a job here, but before you pack your bags, Kevin Rudd is all on Obama's tip, so politically you're F'd no matter what, however, what makes Obama worse than the other two? I mean sure, he's an evil globalist, and he's okay with aborting babies after they're fully outside of the womb, but really... are the other two any better? Why should this be the straw which breaks the camals back? After you've just had a skull&bonesman in office for 8 years, it's just, c'mon... they're all evil, are you saying that Obama is super duper mondo EVIL!? It's kind of like you've been voting your whole life for who you would most like to have punch you in the face, and now all of sudden you're like "If it was anybody else punching me in the face it'd be alright, but dammit, if OBAMA is the one doing it, I'm leaving the country"

  2. Idk which city is best.

    But most people have nothing against Americans.

    What's wrong with Obama anyway? Anyone's better than the dude you have now, right?

  3. We don't like the sort of Americans who would leave because a particular person was elected.  That indicates either that you are a total jerk or not very bright.

  4. Personally I would prefer Obama to the warmonger that you have at the moment, we just got rid of his mate John Howard, so maybe you might wish to look into our politics before you come on down.

    Sydney or Melbourne any city would be ok with your degree.

  5. Mark sorry to break this to you, but Americans are hated all over the world thanks to bush and his antics.

    Best bet would be to support Obama and see if he can heal the wounds and give us back our reputation in the world.

    Obama November 08! Not just for a better America, but for a better World!

  6. lol bhah if you don't like Obama you'll sure love Kevin Rudd lol. Sydney, Melbourne or Queensland are the go.

  7. You're not supposed to blow town if your guy doesn't get elected. That kind of goes against the democratic process.

  8. To Love Canada: Canada is not even a real country hehehe! Joking ;)

    Why wlould you leave if Obama got in? Have a problem with black people residing in the oval office? You can move to Australia, I dont care but act like a tosser that seems to come with aircraft carriers and destroyers that dock here in  Perth and you will get a good kicking. Struth!

  9. "Scotch" does have a point.  I thought you guys were really big on De-mark-russy?!

    Anyway, we don't like Republicans!

  10. Unlike most peope that have commented, I think if the elected leader goes against most of what you believe in, it's fine to leave. Not sure you would like Australian politics any better though. You might want to read up on it before taking the plunge.

    You may find that many Australians don't like Americans because of stereotypes such as arrogance, patriotism,  and the belief that every american carries a gun and thinks their nation is superior. Nevertheless, if you are able to embrace cultural differences and enjoy the country for what it is, you stand a good chance of making lots of friends.

    The cost of living is also quite expensive here at the moment, but if you can get yourself a good job and live within your means, you will survive. (common sense, really!)

    if you look at website like or that will give you a bit of an idea of available jobs.

  11. I don't like Americans, stay over there. If you do happen to come over make sure you leave you big American ego over there.

  12. Rules are same everywhere. if you are a nice guy, you will be appreciated. If you are a jerk ... you would be hated. Be yourself and you will make good amount of friends.

  13. I think this question would be better answered if you clarified exactly WHY you would move to Australia just because Obama would win the presidency.

    Moving to another country and continent is a HUGE decision. I would seriously invest a LOT of time researching the country itself - not just job opportunities - but things such as culture, stability, etc.

    Keep in mind - and I'm just saying - Australia is VERY diverse in culture.

  14. First of all, I'm an Australian who can't vote in the American election, but am backing Obama nonetheless. If you're scared of having a president who's black (or half), then you're in effect racist, and Australia is NOT the place for you. There is a growing African (mostly sudanese) community in almost every major town and city, and a number of Asians and Pacific islanders.

    Australians don't dislike Americans, but you must prove yourself intelligent or they'll think that you're a stereotypical American (rather unintelligent, thinks that you can drive from Australia to America, that the seasons are the same, thinks Australians speak aboriginal, that everyone has a pet kangaroo; etc). Otherwise, they'll think you're a hot American with wisdom overflowing.

    If you're a financier or something you should pick up work very easily (accountants are in HUGE demand). Don't live in Melbourne (pretty, but has high rents and the worst drug culture in the country). Sydney's OK, but expensive, and there are many Islamic (no insult intended) communities and increasing civil unrest. Brisbane has the worst value for money housing in the country, but it shouldn't be a problem for someone with a moderately good wage. The state schools in these areas tend to be a fair bit rough, and there is a rather large binge drinking culture amonst many private school youth in these areas. Stay away from Cairns and Darwin (unless you're comfortable with sweting during the night in summer).

    Your best options are probably Perth, Adelaide, Aubury, and Toowoomba. The latter two are boring places to visit, but having lived in them both can say that they are wonderful places to live, with everything that a city has, but no enormous Opera Houses or Harbour Bridges.

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