
I'm thirteen, broke and busy... how to make money?

by  |  earlier

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I have my eye on something that my mom is making me pay for myself. I only have a ffew bucks to my name and my birthday isnt until december. School is starting and i play sports after school until 630 and later not to mention the piles of homework i'll be getting from my advanced classes.... *sigh* are there any quick (i mean daily, 10-20 minute) things i could do for cash?




  1. ask ur mom for an allowance

  2. It only takes a few minutes to wash cars & walk pets and/or feed them... give those a try?

  3. I'm 13 too :-)

    Baby sitting

    dog walking

    mowing neighbors lawn

    ask for allowance

    car washing

    shovel snow

    rake leaves


  4. Email me through my profile ;]

  5. No.your screwed

  6. You could always try doing extra little things around the house. Your mom might be able to let you earn some money by going above and beyond what is expected of you. Parents are usually very willing to reward extra effort. =)

    Also, neighbors (especially the elderly) are almost always in need of simple chores like watering the flowers or vacuuming. Talk to a neighbor and see if something can be arranged.

    Well, that's all I got. Hope that helps.  

  7. Sell old things you don't want anymore on ebay. It's amazing what people will buy... some guy made money selling empty guitar cases as air guitars lol. Be imaginative and think of something silly like that and seriously, people will probably buy. Some second-hand stores (most) will pay you for unwanted clothing and stuff.

    Babysitting is great. You can do your homework while your watching the children if they're not too "busy" when they're awake, or while they're sleeping. Most babysitters around here make a minimum of $5! And that's pretty good, especially when you consider the fact that since you can't babysit until later... they will be asleep for most of the time you're there, or maybe the whole time. And a lot of parents encourage their babysitters to raid the fridge... and there's televisions... maybe video games... you don't really have to do much for the money you make. It's the way most girls your age make money.

    If you're allowed, I'm not sure how old you have to be... but you can get paid A LOT for doing certain internet surveys. Seriously. I wish I knew the site(s).

    And keep a lookout for ads for quick labor jobs.

    Do you have any helpful creative talents? (sewing, knitting, quilting, singing, painting, etc.) just use your imagination and if you set time aside to make something and pile the stuff up and it's good, you can make so much money... almost like a business. And you would have to wait a while until you had enough to sell maybe, but it wouldn't take long to make the money at all afterwards.

    Have a garage sale. More than 20 mins, but it only takes a day, or your mum could run it for you and you get the money for your stuff.

    Ask for allowance for simple house chores.

    Help your neighbours?

    Wash cars. One car= about 20 min.

    Mow lawns.

    Walk someone's pet for them.

    Is there any particular school subject you're really good at? Tutor someone that needs help at school! Just go up to your teacher or something, and tell them that you're interested in tutoring for a half hour after school when you're available. Parents pay good money if you're helpful to their kids. I tutored English for 2 different people in grade 9. Each on a separate day (same day, separate time would work too) once a week after school, and each parent paid me $20 for each time. So an extra $40 a week... for an hour's worth of work. That's like making $40 an hour :)

  8. You could babysit or get up early in the morning to do a paper round. My friend gets paid £30 a week!

  9. babysitting.  

  10. Car washing - go with friends or alone, charge about £4 for a car it worked when i did it and it takes about 20 min a car. Sell any stuff you don't need at shops or get your mum to sell them for you. Get a friend to lend you money. Do extra jobs around the house to get money from your parents or to persuade your mum to buy it you. Have a car boot sale. Get better grades in your homework and ask if your mum will give you money for the improvement.                            

    Get a boyfriend and make him pay for it.

  11. babysit

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