
I'm thirteen years old i recently fixed my slice so i hit perfectly but now i need to know how to hit longer

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i hit about 220 but i want to hit longer then that.




  1. simply, get really flexible

  2. a hook will go further than a slice. you hook the ball by rolling your wrists.  But work on your short game first. Accurate iron shots and chip shots will save more on your score than a drive.

  3. the best thing i could tell you is that you should just try to hit the ball in the sweet spot instead of swinging out of your shoes

  4. Go to a pro (or maybe two) and get swing tips from him...

    P.S.  When I was 13, back in the last century, I could hit the drive about 200 or so, even with 'old school' equipment.

    Scott in NY

  5. well wat u can do is go to the gym and do arm excercises to get stronger thats wat my couch told me to do

  6. one of the most important factors in distance is club-speed. to improve your club speed, take two or even three irons at once and swing them together at the same time for a while. going back to your driver, you will be able to swing the club a lot better and faster.

  7. We all want to hit it farther than that but your perfection allows you an opportunity for something that most 13 year old kids can't do - play from the fairway. You have a perfect opportunity to learn the game under the best conditions. You will undoubtedly hit the ball farther as you continue to grow and get stronger but I wouldn't hurry into the distance phase of the game at this point. That will come naturally.

  8. alot of advice given, without really helping you out..  

    seeing yourself on video will help..  one person said go to a pro..  you don't need to do that, but i do reccomend a swing analysis..  it will tell you if your on plane, and if you are releasing the club early..

    releasing the club early is what causes alot of distance loss..

    the furthest i've ever driven a ball was 370..  on the first tee just relaxing and letting it happen..  i was str8 left of the green on a par four..  

    proper position of the club in your down swing is very important..  you wrists should be ******, with the club pointing directly at your target, with your arms almost straight down..  releasing the club before that causes you to loose club head spead, which in turn causes the distance loss..  there should be a 90 degree angle in your wrist and club at that point..

    another is flexibility..  swinging one of them heavy clubs can help make you more flexible, or swing two irons..  don't over do it, but you want to be able to have a stable base, while uncoiling throughout the swing, with a distinct hip motion toward your target..  with that said don't do anything crazy like a baseball player, rocking back and stepping forward..  when you initiate your backswing you weight should be on the inside of your back foot, and when you finish most of your weight should be on your front foot..  and you should keep your feet about shoulder length apart..  with that weight shift, there isn't alot of movement, and your head shouldn't move til you want to admire the shot..

    another trick people like to use is to have an open stance..

    most people stand with their back foor 90 degrees from their target, with their front foot toe angled toward the target about 20-30 degrees..  doing that allows for an easier follow through..  but pointing your back foot about 20-30 degrees away from your target will allow you to have a bigger back swing..  ie..  you feet could make a "V" with the point of the V conecting behind you..  don't over do it..

    being able to uncoil, with your "V", and having your hands and club shaft at 90 degrees when your club is parralell to the ground will probably give you the best club head spead you can get..  NEVER FOR ANY REASON BEND YOUR FRONT ARM..

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