
I'm throwing a kids luau slumber. party any ideas about what to do or eat?

by  |  earlier

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Well this party is for kids of ages 6-10 and its kind of last minute. By the way the Party is aug 3 and the budget is 200 not including food. Help!!




  1. Wow I had one too! Here's what food we had:

    Chips and Dip

    Variety of sodas and drinks

    Pizza and breadsticks

    Maybe some sandwiches from SubMarina?

    Veggie tray

  2. you could do a luau party really cheap. that is like a party you could easly go to like a party store and get stuff cheap. a good food would be mini hawian pizzettas what it is, is pitta breads covered in anykind of pizza sauce with cheese (anykind normaly mozzerella) and buy toppings like ham and pinaple like exotic stuff and regular for the picky ones. then bake until like chesse  is melted. this is a easy recipe that it really cheap and the kids can make it themselfs and it will be really fun for them and easy. but besides that luau stuff is cheap like at our dolllar store that have luau stuff that is pretty cool and you coud throw a whole party not including food for like 50$

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