
I'm throwing a twilight party, any food ideas?

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I can't seem to think of any good twilight related food ideas for this party i'm throwing my friend, i want everything to be great, but i cant think of any food ideas. please help.




  1. its kinda tough seeing as none of the vampires actually eat food! i agree about going with a sort of cool vampire/halloween theme. Maybe serve something to somehow resemble animals?? like the ones the cullens eat? Red punch of course is the obvious drink for blood.hope that helps

  2. I would go with a SLIGHT halloween theme. you know, like dark and vampires and stuff that creeps in the night and stuff.  

  3. pigs in a blanket

  4. im throwing one too!!!

    Im not sure wot to do but i dnt hav much cash. You can get a drink called blood orange!!!! i had it at my halloween party! lol.

  5. TOMATO SOUP! lol... kinda like blood,

    in Breaking Dawn, bella loves eggs, or maybe some chicken!

    You could label all these different drinks different blood types...

    eg O+ O- AB+... even ANIMAL...

    I also think of the Spaghetti that Charlie tried to make, and it ended up as a huge lump! Or his favourite meal, which has just... left my memory...

    Pizza-- as that was what Edward ate at school in Twilight

    You could have fish... because of Charlie fishing...

    hmm... its nice that you are throwing a party for a friend! ... i was thinking of having a twilight party myself... thanks!!!

    Dog food (Jacob :P) or some kind of meat :P

    good luck! :P

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