
I'm throwing my fiance a surprise party

by  |  earlier

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Just a cookout type deal at my house, not really a "theme" type thing beyond that. One of our mutual friends will take him to hang out for the day- and then bring him back to my house for a "double date" with our friend and his g/f. Cars will be parked at an empty lot up the street.

I'll be going to SAM'S Club the night before to buy the food and drinks (Some of the guests will be bringing side dishes)

I was thinking about getting a friend of ours to bring his WII and rent a few games, have "Ultimate Twister", etc. We'll have some music playing in the backyard as well. There will be a few kids there (not many) so I'm going to set up a bedroom with "Veggietails" for them.

I'm gonna buy some decorations from Party City- just simple "Happy Birthday" type stuff.

I'm doing this the week before his birthday- because he's expecting something the day of.

Is there anything that I'm missing? Because I feel like there is.

Thanks in advance for your help!

(And forgive me if this isn't in a good category, I couldn't find one for "birthdays" so I had to take a random guess)




  1. wow!! i think that's a great idea..

    i think u'r not missing anything..

    ermm.. GOOD LUCK

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