
I'm throwing party an "schools out"...?

by  |  earlier

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What are the best things I should do? It's for 6th graders. It's goin to be in either my basement, which is Ok, or my bonus room which is med/small. The problem is the bonus room isn't a lot a room and we can't have any food or drinks at all. In the basement we can have food drinks theres a tv and games, and we get the backyard. Where should I throw it?




  1. Take the basement and outdoors. This can be a great party!!

    Inside, have games (board games and activity games) and music. Outside you can have active games - such as volleyball, croquet, etc. You could have dancing too!

    More details on the attached page if you are interested!

  2. A 6tH GRADE PARty?! GiRL LEt Mi tELL yU...yU ARE t00 y0UNG t0 BE  tHR0WiNG A PARty. i tRiED iT WHEN i WAS iN tHE 6tH GRADE. N0B0Dy CAME BECAUSE tHEy SAiD iT WAS G0NNA BE tHERE 1St "tEENAGE PARty". DONt D0 iT! =)

    BUt iF yU DiD yU SH0UlD tHR0W iT iN B0tH R00Ms.

  3. If there is going to be members of the opposite s*x play spin the bottle.

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