
I'm tired but i cant sleep!! HELP?

by  |  earlier

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for the past 2 months ive been really tired but when i try 2 go 2 sleep at night i'm wide awake. i don't know what 2 do because schools coming and i don't wanna be tired during my classes.




  1. Don't eat or drink anything within 3 hours of going to bed. Also, exercise more, it helps tire you out. Stay away from sleeping pills seeing as they prevent you from falling into a "deep sleep" which is the only type of sleep that really matters.

  2. Ever try sleeping pills?

  3. Try drinking milk or eating rice before going to bed, both contain melatonin, a natural sleeping aid, which help you sleep better. From

  4. Insomnia?

  5. when you lay down try focusing on your breathing to relax. Try belly breathing while thinking of pleasant thoughts until you feel relaxed enough to doze off.

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