
I'm tired of buying cds to get great music. Any other way?

by Guest62167  |  earlier

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I spend rediculous amounts of money on CDs when I find a new artist or band I like. Is there a "LEGAL" way to get my music.

I heard, although Ipods are expensive, that the best way to go is to buy an ipod or mp3 player. But where do you get the music from to put on it? Do you buy each song individually or what?

I am new at the whole digital music thing. I have cd players and cds but want an Ipod. But I don't know how the process works for them... Where do you buy the music and how does downloading and all that work?

I guess what I am trying to ask is how mp3 players work...




  1. I personally use and download songs onto my hard-drive.  From there I can burn them to disc or plug my MP3 into my USB and download into the player.  It's not hard to do at all and is very legal (.99 cents per song).  

    Another great way to hear good music - satellite radio.  I've discovered a lot more music by using my sat rad.

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