
I'm tired of doing this....?????

by  |  earlier

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I'm tired of living. Now wait - before you leave... please try to help me out.

I'm dealing with depression and anxiety.

I'm tired of all of the medication changes.

I'm tired of all of the doctor visits.

Sometimes I feel like the depression is getting worse, but other times a lot better.

Today I just feel like giving up. I don't really know why. A guy I like (he likes me too) were going to hang out today, I keep changing my mind. I don't really feel like going now (I'm getting cramps on the top of this). What should I tell him? (He doesn't know about my depression/anxiety). I'm sorry, I have to get all of this out. I do not want to bother my therapist, she is on vacation with her family. I'm just lost - and I just feel like giving up (not killing myself, just giving up).

Please, can you help me?




  1. First, sit back, take a few deep breaths, and find yourself even a few minutes of calm.  Then use that mood to begin straightening things out one by one.

    The guy - If today just isn't going to work for you based on mood, come up with a polite lie and buy yourself the rest of the day to worry about it.  Don't go on and on about it, don't go overboard in explaining it, just politely find a very simple reason what you unfortunately cannot spend time together today.  Offer to get together again soon to give you both some comfort that you still want to spend time together.  Heck, even reschedule with him right then and there.

    Now, check that off your list of things to worry about for this moment.

    It's very considerate of you to respect your therapist's vacation, but does that mean you can't temporarily talk to a different one today?  Most therapists have backups when they are on vacation in case a patient winds up in a situation similar to yours.

    If that doesn't work, find somebody you can talk to, and do it now.  You obviously need to, and the power of simply speaking to someone during times like these is profound.  I really don't know how this site works yet, but you're even welcome to talk to me.

    Chalk up these moments as "exasperation", you probably feel like the old cliche that you're at your "wit's end".  You should do something immediately for yourself, and you should be as selfish as possible with it.  Whether that's talk to someone about what you have to get off your chest, or doing something incredibly selfish (yet safe) to get yourself out of this funk.  Watch your favorite movie, play a video game, eat an entire ice cream cake, whatever it is.  Focus on the most immediate, safe, thing you can do to pull you out of this current moment, then use that moment to advance on.

  2. aww i actually kno what u mean.. im not depressed, but I've had my days.

    i feel bad for u, and i truly wish i could help, but im only a young girl.

    Well, if u rlly like him, and he likes u, but u just dont feel like going out, maybe he can go over ur house? u wouldnt have to leave or anything.. and im sure hed still like to c u. but if u truly dont want to c him, then call him and tell him u arent feeling well, your sorry, and reschedule.

    good luck hun  =/

  3. You are not alone. I've felt ALL those things many times before. You can give up...just for today. You are allowed. Then tomorrow, get back to the business of fixing you. Finding the right medication and therapist IS annoying and alot of work, but it will pay off eventually. You must believe you will find what works for you and things will get better. Don't try to date right now though. You need to focus on you and you alone.

  4. why don't you just go and have fun? it's really as simple as that.

    i know exactly how you feel. except with me...i was so d**n tired of it that i changed my way of thinking. i said...i have to stop feeling sorry for myself...i said stop getting sick because your fine. and i went out and didn't regret it. in fact it helped a lot. i went to a party for my friend. i was having cramps and just literally cried. my friend got me to go. i went...this really good looking guy...came over to me on his own and talked to me most of the night. IF I DIDNT GO...well it's obvious. I went and not only did my confidence go up...but i wanted more of that. so i been going out without excuses. i kept telling more excuses either. and things have been better. i wante to get better and forced my mind to get better. when ocd wanted to attack..or a panic attack...i stop. and when it was coming and i felt it was ther and it was too late...i stoped it. i told myself over and's nothing. it's a stupid panic attack that i caused on my own. i've been feeling so much better. just shake things off and don't let things bother you. i wanted to die. i wanted to just curl up in a hole and never come out. everything went to h**l but i kept fighting. SO FIGHT. go out. have fun. ignore the depression and all that c**p. it's not worth it. put everything behind you and start new. it's hard at first but it gets addicting and you just want to get better 100%. so work on that. for now though...go out. have fun. don't think about the depression...don't make excuses. my life was really was. everything was wrong even my own family hates me. so if i could do sure anyone can. really. my whole life i was rejected and all. never had much to live for at all. except my wrestling...find things u like. make yourself like things. im sure there is so much u should be living for and u aren't looking. change things. start new. good luck. my email is on my page if you need it.  

  5. You sound like me today. I know what you mean about giving up, but not in a suicidal way. All day long I think about my anxiety and how i can get rid of it, if its bad or good hat second. I try so hard to fight it and to just get it to go away and it is EXHAUSTING. People without anxiety wouls never understand. All I can say is dont give up. You have no choice but to be on this earth so while your hear try and make it as best you can. I just bought a book called "happiness trap". Im going to read it, i hope it helps. Good luck. Sorry this isn't really advice just want you to know that your not alone.

  6. It'd be best to not mention this to him or anyone unless you're close to them. Doing nothing isn't going to fix your problem(s) or get rid of your depression. You have to change something.

    I hope the guy, I mean the man you like isn't the twenty year old you were asking about. If so, i'd like to break his legs.

  7. Your obviously not ready for a date at this present time, I feel for you honestly, but, have you not thought about checking into a Yoga school, say for a few days or so, these are brillient, believe me, and not too expensive, and they work.You would feel like another person afterwards. good luck honey.

  8. You must hang in there I know you have a hard time with doctors and medication changes. You need find people that you can be with that care about and LOVE you. When we get depressed and our anxiety level is high and the pain is just to much for us, we need to find those people.

    As far as this guy? I f he like you and you feel the same, go to him let him be your support. Please DO NOT GIVE UP!!! YOU CAN MAKE IT. Don't let your mind take over, listen to your soul.

    PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!! If you need to e mail me directly at

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