
I'm tired of living in this house!

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my family im sorry but im getting to the point that i just cant stand being home! its impossible to be comfortable here! theres never any food! because my uncle eats ti all and never leaves anything! i cant get a good sleep because since my room is closest to the backyard my uncle wakes up every night in the middle of the night to go for a smoke and since my room is also right next to the kitchen he wakes up to eat some more in the middle of the night! my grandma and uncle are ALWAYS fighting and they yell at each other so i hate inviting friends over!! because its just plain embarrassing! and when i ask my mom if i can go out she says no and makes up a stupid escues so i cant go my sister is the lucky one because she can drive but shes always either working or having fun with her friends. im really tired of living like this i cant stand being home all day i really want to leave! ive never been so depressed in my life either. any words of wisdom or anything to make me feel better?




  1. If your old enough to work you will be out of the house almost can get a permit by 15 and start driving by 16 so that can get you out of the house for a little bit...tell you the truth when people live on their own they usually have finance problems like paying the hosue..their car..their every should be a little happy you live with them right now maybe it can give you some time to save up for the future...tell your sister to take you places when she has free time like when she does not work or go out with her friends so you 2 can have some time alone


  3. If you are 18.. Get a job and move out.. If not.. Then wait.. Because honestly.. You can't do anything.. It seems like they won't listen to you because it's their habit now :( .. wear some earplugs.. Good Luck  

  4. I would contact a tenant rights association in your area.

  5. just leave!!!

  6. run away without ur parents knowing, but arrange with ur mate to see then for a day then dont tell ur parents just goooo and then we'll see how worried they are,

    or if u get pocket money

    save up nd buy a mini fridge

    to put ur food in there

    make sure ur uncle dosent know about it!

    put a lock on ur bedroom door,

    shout at ur mum u hate ur life cos u cant go out

    ummmm get ur sister to take u out to ur mates house sometimes,

    maybe just invite friends over and forget about ur grandma and uncle,

    or like get a fmily meeting going on and tell them that ur unhappy.

    if that doesnt work i would suggest social services so u can actually speak to someone about it

    or child line if its that bad! just ask me for the number if u want it.:)

    hope this helped


    everything u ahve said i have said u have done,

    there is nthing else u can do but live with it,

    cos we cant help you there

    everyine is trying to help you

    but why wont ur mum let you go out/

    i mean ur 14 for h***s sake.

    i ma 2 years younger and i am aload to go out whenver

  7. Look into Job Corps and move out ASAP if you are between 16 and 24 they will help you get a vocational trade while providing you with room and board and a small amount of spending money.

  8. How old are you? Can you move out? What about living with a friend. These sound like my words exactly! Im 19 now, but when I was about 15 I thought I was going to go crazy at my house. My parents never let me do anything! And now my sister is going through the same thing. I moved out because Im going to college, but the best advice I have for you is to tough it out because it WILL get better and I can promise you that. People used to say that to me all the time and I never believed them and now I tell the same thing to my sister, she wont listen to me until she finds out Im right in a few years lol

  9. That sounds tough. You should not be living with your uncle and grandma but if you have no other choice you just need to get an ipod and keep the plugs in all the time that is what i have to do sometimes.  

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