
I'm tired of my lower tummy. what can I do to make it flat?

by Guest32764  |  earlier

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I'm almost 15, im 5'8" and growing, and i weight 127 punds.

i am absolutely not overweight, but i seem to have a constant" bloating" look at my lower stomach. when i flex the muscle , i can feel it like, 1cm under, so does this mean i am just naturally pouchy there?

My mom keeps on telling me it will go away by itself , but i want to take matters into my own hands.

I am the healthiest eater out of all my friends. I don't drink soda, and junk food doesn't appeal to me and fast food makes me throw up, literally.I have soccer twice a week for a total of 3 hours, and i try my best to do 100 sit-ups a day.

The only results I see are when i do my routine sit-ups, but they are not what i'm looking for, they tone the higher muscles on my stomach.

I have a pool party comming soon, and i want to make a good impression. If possible, I would also like to get the "V" obliques, wich i dont have.

Any tips?

Thanks for your time and awnsers:)




  1. WATER WATER WATER! Like 4 bottles a day. I do that and I'm almost 15. It really works on weight loss and toning belly fat. Miracle stuff.

  2. yea it just means that you have some extra skin there if you used to be bigger then you are now then youll always have a lil something there not even the most cut people can get rid of that when they sit down. To get the obliques do some bicycle crunches and where you lay down with your  legs up like a normal crunch but instead reach to the side and try to touch your shoes.

  3. ok lower tummy same prob here ok do chin ups and while at it pull your knees up to tummy length and try doing chin ups it will tone and you'll lose the extra skin!

    you should start reading "seventeen" the magizine

  4. Oh good lord please do not take laxatives. Do the bicycle crunches like the first guy said they work wonders truly. (If you do them right)

  5. take a laxative, drink more water, and if you go the exercise route it will possibly be the last thing to go.

    As for the abs, \/\ sit like that like a half way sit up and grab a ball and twist to each side and touch the ball to the ground. and nothing holding your feet down.

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