
I'm tired of the system is it hard to go independant?

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I see fat cat politicians giving themselves massive pay rises while expecting the rest of use to tow the inflationary line. I see the UK government and oil companies ripping us off with oil prices and now electric and gas companies are ramping up their prices. I'm getting a rayburn solid fuel cooker this year, a wind generator, storage batteries etc, I know that it'll cost me, Has anyone else gone down this route and what are the pitfalls you came across. I live in the scottish countryside with lots of woodland, so I am fortunate.

Look forward to your answers.




  1. I too am planning to become more "independant".  I suggest that you look at the "Centre for Alternative Technology" in Wales.  They run various useful courses and the site is great for ideas on independant living, such as make-your-own solar panels (which cost next to nothing).


  2. we wanted to build a windmill to generate our own power etc and were told you are not allowed to generate your own power! The government would not let us, we are under the thumb my friend.

  3. I am so with you on this.

    I want to live off the grid, but can't find land to move onto so that I can build a self sufficient home.  I have spoken to our council and they say we would need planning permission, we want to live in a woodland, but aren't allowed.  They aren't very supportive.

    Good luck and all the best.

  4. Yes a lot of us in the UK have. However, be aware of the day to day physical work it all takes. The temptation is to still think in consumerist terms, that everything is instant and it is hard to get out of that mode of thought. First generating your own heat is always labour intensive and you do not always want to do it,  even if it just the case of having to go outside to fill the basket with wood on a wet winter's morning. The plus side is you become really aware of the amount of fuel you are using.

    Don't get tempted to BUY yourself green. Look first at all the other stuff you can do to make life more comfortable. Insulate, insulate, insulate, don't waste time and money on heating up outside. Rearrange your living space and outdoor space so that it is energy efficient in terms of your energy and work flow. So site your wood store nearest to your door where the stove is located.  

    Look at ways to cut down electricity use generally. Get a an energy meter and see where you use it most first. Then do it on a cost benefit basis. Is it better to boil a kettle to wash the pots? Is it worth converting to solar hot water rather than use a wind generator? Could your electric blanket be replaced with extra blankets and hot water bottles.

    Assess your life, your family's routine and your home. When you think about it in this way you realize that you don't really need to generate as much electricity as you initially think you will. It is a combination of things not just using your own timber and generating power that will make it work for you. Think CONSERVATION of resources first.

    Having said all that, my husband and I were looking at some old bills the other day. Our expenses have really gone down since we made these decisions. One of the best things we did was we put false ceilings in so that we could pack them full of expanded polystyrene loft insulation (more than 8"). The difference in temperature was very noticeable. Another big hit has been planting fruit and nut trees, soft fruit canes and perennial vegetables, amazing how much money that saves you each month and tastes better too.

  5. I don't blame you.

    we are becoming rip-off britain again.

    makes b'liar & his bloody wars, look even more pointless!

    ( & his signing us up for more debt with the USA.)

    sorry, i drifted off, back to you.

    while you're at it look into solar panels, you should be able to get a government grant, though how that works i have no idea but i do know grants are available, on a first come first served basis.

    B&Q sell wind turbines & solar panels last i knew.

    you are fortunate living away from the crime that riddles the south, i do envy you.


    & the small news item below has really annoyed me,

    Brown IS giving away our money, means there'll be less for us, again!

  6. No, but good on you. The more of us that can generate our own energy the better. Although expensive, solar is best.

  7. good on you! but things arent quite as clear cut for everyone - we would need planning permission for anything like that!

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