
I'm to scared to tell my mom!

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ok so i started my period yesterday and i cant work the guts up to tell my mom i cant live like this i keep telling my self ok ill tell her but when im about to do it i cant i need help!!! can anyone give me an idea of what to say to her??




  1. Don't be nervous - this is something every woman goes through! Just pick a time where nothing else is going on, when shes not busy, no one else is around, and come out with it. Say "Mom, I'm pretty sure I started my period". Shes not going to laugh at you or anything - she'll probably ask if you have any questions, honestly just get it over with and you will feel a lot better.

  2. There is no easy way to tell her.  Just bring it up casually in a one-on-one conversation with her.  Also, tell her when the time is right.  It took 3 days after I got my period to work up the guts/feel comfortable enough to tell my mom that I had my period.  Also, make sure to mention that you don't want to be treated any differently because of it.  My mom gave me special treatment and was especially nice to me for a week later and I HATED that.  I know that my mom was just trying her best to make me not feel bad about it, but I didn't want that.  Tell your mom when you feel comfortable, but keep in mind that if you don't tell her soon, she WILL find out anyways :P.  I've been through the same thing, so I know exactly how you feel ;).  Hope this helps and good luck! :)

  3. Oh my goodness!  What are you afraid of?  Your mother certainly expects you to get your period someday.  Ask your mom if you can speak to her in private, and then tell her - Mom, I got my first period.  I'm sure she'll be very understanding.  Just remember, this is an emotional time for your Mom, as well.  A time when she realizes that her "little girl" is becoming a young woman.  So, be kind to your Mom.

  4. I was scared to tell my mom at first too, but since I was pretty young, all I said this, roflol "Mom? There's something red in my underwear."

    : ) Since I'm not sure how old you are, just pretend like you just got it and rush up to her and say "MOM I GOT MY PERIOD"

    You'll be fine! Don't worry about it. Good luck

  5. Oh goodness. Well do you have pads or tampons? go up to her and ask her to buy you some please. Then she'll know. Welcome to a world of unfairness.

  6. i remember feeling the same way.

    just tell her. the conversation will last about five minutes.

    just be like, mom i think i have my period.

    you can do it

  7. I felt the same way!! i felt so stupid tellin her... i kept walkin about in the kitchen waitin 4 the right time 2 tell her on her own but she kept cumin in n out n goin in the livin room where my dad was.. ther was no way i was goin in ther tellin her lol.. then wen i finally got her on her own i just sed ' i fink iv started my period ' ...... i was allright then :)

  8. if you have a problem with actually coming out and saying things i suggest writing her a letter or a little note,, i do that when i find it hard to say something  

  9. aww i remember those days...

    what i did was put my underwear at the washing machine and she found out for asked me did i have my period and i said yes..she was soo proud ? lol..

    u shud just tell her..i no its embaressing buts its a sign of woman hood!...

  10. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You are becoming a women... Just Say Mom I started my Period. It will be easier than you think, and when you are done you will feel so much better. I am sure she will only help you. Not hurt you or judge you.

  11. Mom......... I'm becoming a woman

  12. uhh i rember that time i was soo scared.. i kept it with out telling her for soo long using tussie paper well ok its crazeyt hat were in this world and we dont even know where we came from .. all that stuff soo who cares about reations just tell her say mom i think i got my period..

  13. Are you scared to tell your mom you got your period? I don't know the relationship you have with your mom but its really nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. She might be a bit more over-protective if anything only because you are now able to bear children and that is difficult for any mother to handle. Just tell her, be honest and open to whatever she says. You are a woman now and women are confident about handling their issues.  

  14. Well if i where you if i couldnt tell her it i would email it to her or i would write her a letter these are just ideas fyi so im pretty sure she wouldnt be mad at you though

  15. I was the same way when I got mine in fact I waited like 3 or 4 days and I was basically using her pads without her knowing... but eventually you kinda gotta tell her. Just say something like "mom i think i just got my period" yea it sounds hard but you'll be glad once you get it over with...

  16. I was so loke that!!! I kept going up to her and then I just said something else!!

    In the end, I had really bad cramps after my 1st one an she said something about peiods and I mumbled it out :P

    Write her a note, email her or let her see your knickers!!

  17. its something EVERY girl goes through and its really no big deal. just tell your mom you started your period. no biggie. i started mine at night and waited till morning so i could get out of a day of school lol but really just say hey mom can we talk? and then jsut tell her that you started your period and would like her help on it. shell probably be proud of you. remember, she went through the same exact thing. its not like your telling her your a drug addict and the cops are after you for stealing the mona lisa. telling her is easy!

    good luck sweet heart

  18. All young ladys have an issue with becoming a woman and telling their mothers.  it's embarresing and personal but it doesn't need to be.  mothers have been through all this aswell, otherwise she couldnt of had you.  if you don't want to tell her yet then you don't need to just wait until your ready.  Don't be scared though, shes your mum and she will understand.  this is an exciting journey into womanhood and as a mother i know she will support you.

    Be blessed and congratulations on becoming a young woman

  19. I felt the exact same way!!! Believe me, i hid my period from her for 7 months and i absolutely regret it because i remember crying myself to sleep and the day i finally told her she was totally fine with it. I burst into tears and told her i had it and she hugged me and she said everything is fine every woman on eaarth gets it your not alone. I was afraid that she would treat me weird or differently but nothing happened!! She doesn't think anything of it. Go tell your mom she had to do the same with her mom and its a mother daughter moment she wil be happy that you are open wiht her. Don't do what i did it was way to scary and stressful ... go tellher and you will finally have it over with and you can move on!! After about a week she won't even think about it neither will you and you will have no weight on your shoulders! Good luck  and i hope i helped.

  20. i felt like that when i first got mine too

    be like " mom i just got my period" and when i told my mom that i just ignored everything she way saying

  21. i was just like you..i was very shy about it...but i sucked it up and told her... it made me feel good about my self, and she was very helpful.  Its ok she when through it to. Just say

    "mom i need to talk to you about something, i started my period yesterday" or something around that lines...

    If you dont tell her now she will find out later.

    but do you have the things you need? :]]

    i hope i helped.

    dont be afraid its your mom and she went through it too.

    goood luckk!  

  22. Sometimes, saying period is a little weird. Just say, "Mom, I've started that thing that's common for women." Sounds goofy as h**l, I know. But period is such a weird word at first. Hope that helps.

  23. Just tell her.  Bring her into a private room and just say something along the lines of "Mom, I need to talk.  I got my period yesterday and I'm not sure how to handle this."  Thats what I did with my mom.

  24. Don't worry. Your mom will understand. She has been through the exact same thing. I was kind of worried when I had to have THE TALK with my mom, but I realized that there was nothing to be worried about and that she was MY MOM and that I didn't have to be afraid or anything. Everything will be okay.  

  25. just blurt it out. go up to her when shes alone and say.. so yea i started my period today.. i know it might seem awkward but everyone goes through it. even your mom did. dont worry about it.

  26. Just be like mom i gotta tell u something and then she'll probably ask what and u just be like i got my period, its really not that bad ur moms a girl too she knows how it is...

    i know its embarrassing but really theres no reason to be embarrassed ,hey i had to call my mom at the bar to tell, an i was alright

  27. I understand how you feel.I did the same thing when I started my period...I was so embarassed...Looking back I  cant imagine why. I think you should go to your Mom and ask her can you both go to the store so you can get some pads This should break the ice..... Its gonna be hard to say...go in your room and practice before you do it.  

  28. just tell her you are afraid, every woman has a period, so does your mom, she will be proud and teach you how to deal with it, it is nice to have that relationship with her, so just talk to her, she will make you feel a whole lot better about it.

  29. just cry until she comes

    then just be like mom,,i got my period yesterday

    shes going to be like "OMG,my little girl is becoming a women"

    well that's what my mom said

    you have to tell her soon,cause shes going to be buying you pads,


  30. well, when i started my period for the very first time my mom was asleep and it was 2 o'clock in the morning. so i went in there and said "mom, i started my period" and she told me wear the pads and stuff were. and then the next day we went an dgot me perfume and new pajamas, and underwear, and stuff. i dont see why all girls are afraid to tell their mom when they start their period. i mean, its your mom, she neeeds to know. just say "mom, can i talk to you alone for a minute?" and then sit her down somewhere private and say "i started my period". it's really not as hard as you think. you're not gonna get in trouble. it'll hurt your mom's feelings if you dont tell her, and she'll find out sooner or later, so you might as well tell her now.

  31. I left my mom a sticky note on her bathroom door in her bedroom! All it said was, "Mom, I think I got my period." and she came downstairs and talked to me.

    You could do that!

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