
I'm to young to be losing my hair!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm only 16 and I think I'm losing my hair. When I get out of the shower I'll find some hair and when I wake up in the morning I'll find some hair in my pillow. Any advice???




  1. That's normal. Everybody loses their hair. But if it's more than usual... Look at your father. If he doesn't have much hair, you will probably be the same one day and losing more of your hair can be started at your age. My brother is 29 and a great part of his head is hairless. There is no really helpful medicine against it, it's made by hormones. There are medicines that help a bit, but not absolutely. If the lost is really abnormal, go to the doctor. Greater lost of hair can be also caused by stress, hormonal changes, using of some medicine etc.

  2. everybody loses a little hair in the shower. in fact hair is always falling out and growing back in, in cycles. you are probably just fine! if you are really worried, see your doctor and make sure your health is ok. best wishes to you!

  3. Perfectly normal. Everyone loses hair, but if it gets to be like... a whole lot of clumps or strands, take yourself to a beautition or a doctor who deals with hair.

  4. its normal :)

  5. it's natural.

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