
I'm too rich what should I do with my extra moneys???

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I'm so rich I could buy stuff I dont need should I buy the stuff I dont need?




  1. Every one I, and probably you, know is so rich they can buy stuff they don't need.  Just change your definition of need and the problem goes away.

  2. u should give to the needy and travel somewhere and help them like in a different country... but hold on why would you be telling everyone you are rich if you are... thats pretty dumb

  3. Find a good cause and donate to charity

  4. i don't think you are rich i think you are bored because if you were truly rich you would not advertise here anyways if you are hahaha give to charitable organizations that need help like homeless people cancer research food banks autism research  habitat for humanity bill sharing ( were you help poor people pay their monthly gas bill anonymously ) as much as gas prices are i am sure there is a lot of people to help

  5. Be a philanthropist, like warren buffet&billgates,and many others etc, Peoples of many poor countrys in the world like africa, are suffering without foods and clean waters for drinking,Many innocent kids are daying, pls think about helping to those? And please dont donate to those charities whare the organisers of charities they them self takes? the salery of250k us$ per anum, they use the cherity money for their personal benifits,luxury cars home rents etc,!!!!

  6. Food banks


  7. First accept you are lucky for that.

    A  lot of people are just spending every energy they have to just earn a minimum of money to survive .

    Look after your needs, think carefully about how you would feell if you got the suggested item

    Do you feel really better with it. Ok

    If not stopthinking to buy  it

    I do not suggest you spend all your money, but a little bit for charity, for ill children, people with cancer,abused children , woman  or so would be fine.The smile and gratitude in their faces will

    be for you

    Try also to think of the time you get older, make some savings, we are living in difficult times. Money can be your friend  or your worst enemy depending on what it causes to you

    The higher spirit gave a big opportunity to you

    Have fun but do also good , then its alright


  8. simply help research in the world, better tech -> better life for everyone in the future.

  9. Send it to me, then you will be unburdened  :-)

  10. Give it to me.  Just kidding.  The right thing to do would be to give it to those who ACTUALLY NEED IT. What's the point of just having all of this money lying around when you don't even need it.

  11. Let's see if you are really rich.....then you should give money to people and orginizations who need money......

  12. I guest you know what to do with it. It's your money. Just put it into good use. If not. Help who you ever want to help.

  13. Better settle down and take some meds there.  Dream on.

  14. Hey, money saved is wasted right?

  15. Grammar lessons?  If you're flaunting it, you don't have it.

  16. I'll gladly take what you're willing to give.  I'm putting myself through school to become an engineer.  Any handouts are welcome!

  17. Blow it all on cocaine and hookers.

  18. Go for Clean Energy (buy a solar powered Car); have your home run completely on clean energy and save us from the Greenhouse effect!!! Still left with money run your neighbourhood / city on the same.

  19. Invest!!!

  20. roll it up and stick it where the sun dont shine!

  21. spread it around to you yahoo friends.

  22. congrats and enjoy.  Just dont sit back and let real life pass u by.    

    If you would see fit to invest in me I need a $50 to 100 thousand loan to purchase a home in North Carolina for my family.  I am not saying a gift I mean a loan with contract and payback...

  23. invest it at the gold mine or go to the biggest mall in the world and shop till you drop!

  24. Change the process of application for disability/SSI-a phone hotline you can call when you know you will not be able to work for awhile-then the disability check is sent to you soon, the next day or within a week; also if an employer notices you are looking too tired, they can recommend it rather than ignoring the problem and taking no repsonsibility for it.

  25. Save it for the future,because you don't know what is ahead of you.

  26. Send some to me.  I'll start a business with it, and join you.

  27. give it to the poor you dork

  28. buy yourself a third world country and appoint yourself president.

  29. sure, go -paris it up-

  30. GIve your money to Chairity or homeless people

  31. Use it toward a class that teaches ethics.

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