
I'm too scared for my AS results!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm so so scared even though they're 15 days away! I can't think of anything but opening that envelope! I really need three As.

How can I bring myself to even open the envelope on the day? I'm pretty sure I got a B in English Language :'(




  1. Be happy you haven't failed the year, you can resit modules in January and if you need the for UCAS/UNI and you were predicted an A in Lang then send of your predicted grade for A2 rather then your As result.

    I'm pretty sure i failed the year, yes failed i spent the year getting drunk and being lazy i'm such an idiot i know. I should of got A's and B's but it doesn't look like that is going to happen.


  2. hype yourself up or get someone else to open it.

    my brother's waiting for his results and hes just as nervous as you are. he's asked me to open the envelope for him when he gets it.

    but im sure youll be so excited/curious when you get it that you'll just want to open it and see. good luck :)

  3. Don't worry about, I'm getting mine in 15 days as well. There's nothing to worry about, as long as you tried your best.

    Nothings going to change those results now so I really wouldn't worry.

    If your still a little freaked out in the upcoming to them, try a little meditation to gentle classical music, that calms me down alot.

    Good luck and I'm sure you'll have done just fine!

  4. LOL youre gonna have to open it! how else are you gonna fid out?! haha...

    erm, ask your best friend to if you really dont want to..

  5. Hehe. Being scared of your results is not going to change the results at this point one way or another. So stop being scared.

  6. Calm down. If you haven't got what you want you can always resit in January (and if you still don't get what you want, you can resit again in June).

  7. i needed 3 A's n got, 1A 2B's but still got into ma choice ov uni... u really dnt need to worri as long as u got a good statement n reference they will b flexible!!!

    open it alone, it beta den wit friends as they may hav got better/worse marks so not a good feeling for them/u


  8. even if you got a B thats still good

    I'm anxious to

    and worst of it is i won't found out my results til september, going on holiday on sunday and for the whole of august :S


  9. No point worrying: if you didnt do as well as you hoped you could always resit your weakest modules in January.  That is what they are there for.

    Good luck


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